Asthma is characterized by inflamed and swollen respiratory airways. That causes blockage in the tract, leading to difficulty in breathing.

People with the condition usually suffer from chronic respiratory illnesses and have to undergo a long regime of treatment and management. People with respiratory illnesses often face difficulty during cold weather. During winters, lower temperature and dry weather trigger further inflammation of the respiratory tract, leading to shortness of breath.

In this article, we bring you ways to reduce the risk factors that aggravate ashtma symptoms.

Cold Weather Asthma Symptoms

Use a mask to keep away dust and pollutants (Image via Unsplash/Mika Baumeister)
Use a mask to keep away dust and pollutants (Image via Unsplash/Mika Baumeister)

Cold air triggers the respiratory tract lining to produce a chemical called histamine, which is responsible for allergic responses in the body. Histamine triggers wheezing, bronchospasms, and other allergic responses.

Cold dry air can trigger the airways to produce excess mucus, which makes it difficult to breathe. Excess mucus can make the respiratory tract stickier.

Winter Asthma Treatment

People with respiratory illnesses often carry the necessary medicines and inhalers. Apart from these medical measures, you can also follow these simple tips to reduce the symptoms:

  • Drink adequate amount of warm fluids in the winter. That can reduce excess mucus and ease breathing.
  • Maintain physical distancing from people who're sick.
  • Get your flu vaccine on time each year before winter.
  • Vacuum your home or use an air purifier to remove dust and other allergens.
  • Wash your bedsheets and blankets every week in hot water with a sanitizing detergent.

If you can't avoid going outdoors due to work or need to go for outdoor exercise, follow these tips:

  • Use your inhaler 15-30 minutes before your workout session or as instructed by your doctor. Using an inhaler before exercise can ease breathing difficulties.
  • Remember to carry your inhaler whenever you go out of the house.
  • Remember to perform warm-up exercises before exercise. That raises the core body temperature and reduces inflammation.
  • It'sadvised to wear an N95 Mask or a KN95 mask to keep out fine dust particles and pollutants known as PM 2.5.
  • If you don't have a mask, remember to cover your nose and mouth with a cloth mask or a scarf as a cold weather asthma mask.

Cold Induced Asthma and COVID-19

Carry an inhaler while going outdoors (Image via Unsplash/Sahej Brar)
Carry an inhaler while going outdoors (Image via Unsplash/Sahej Brar)

Recent studies have indicated a strong relationship between SARS-CoV2 (COVID-19) infection and other respiratory illnesses.

People with asthma faced severe breathing difficulties during the pandemic. The virus attacks the lung airway linings and causes inflammation. It was found that people with existing respiratory illnesses had a higher rate of hospitalization than others.

It's advised to get your COVID vaccines on time to prevent severe respiratory issues.

Does Cold Air Help Asthma Attack?

Cold dry air can trigger breathing difficulties characterized by wheezing and coughing. This is a type of allergic response. If you carry an inhaler, remember to use it during such events. Keep up with your doctor, and undergo lung tests and check-ups regularly.

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