Published January 27, 2023

Stress refers to the body’s reaction to harmful situations, which can either be real or perceived. When you feel like you’re in a dangerous situation, a chemical reaction occurs in your body, allowing you to counteract the threat. This reaction is known as “fight-or-flight”, or an “adrenaline rush”. It is also called a stress response, during which your heart rate increases, breathing quickens, blood pressure rises, and muscles tighten. 

Different Ways Stress Can Affect Your Body


The word stress has a different meaning to different people. What may be a cause of stress to one person isn’t necessarily a concern for someone else. Some people are able to manage stress really well, while others aren’t. Our bodies are actually quite capable of handling it. Oftentimes, stress can make you productive and motivate you to accomplish your aims and goals. But, if it lasts for a long time, stress can be classified as chronic, having negative effects on your body. Symptoms of chronic stress include:


  •     Insomnia
  •     Headaches
  •     Irritability
  •     Depression
  •     Anxiety


If you are in a stressful situation and feel ill, visit the   Best General Physician in Lahore   as soon as you can. Here are 6 ways stress can wreak havoc on your body:


  1. Central Nervous and Endocrine Systems

The central nervous system (CNS) is responsible for releasing the stress hormones in threatening situations. These hormones raise your heartbeat and send blood to areas that need it most, such as your heart. When the threat is gone, the brain should signal the systems to go back to normal. But if this doesn’t happen, the response continues. This can cause the following problems:


  •     Drug or alcohol abuse
  •     Overeating, or not eating enough
  •     Social withdrawal


  1. Digestive System

If you’re under stress, your liver can produce extra blood sugar to boost your energy. In case of chronic stress, your body may not be able to keep up with all the extra glucose surge. This can increase your risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Other digestive problems triggered by stress include:


  •     Heartburn or acid reflux, due to an increase in stomach acid
  •     Diarrhea and constipation because of an upset digestive system
  •     Nausea
  •     Stomach-ache
  •     Vomiting
  •     Higher risk of developing ulcers


In case of such problems, visit a   General Physician in Islamabad   to seek treatment as soon as possible.


  1. Respiratory and Cardiovascular Systems

Stress hormones can affect your respiratory and cardiovascular systems adversely. During a stress response, you begin to breathe faster, and if you have breathing problems such as asthma and emphysema, stress can make them worse. Here are some other problems chronic stress can induce:


  •     High blood pressure; this is due to the stress hormones causing blood vessels to constrict and divert more oxygen to your muscles
  •     Increased risk of having a stroke
  •     Higher chances of getting a heart attack


  1. Muscular System

During the stress response, your muscles tense up to protect themselves from injury. When you begin to relax, they release. But if you’re always under stress, your muscles might not be able to relax. This can cause a number of problems:


  •     Back pain
  •     Shoulder pain
  •     Headache
  •     Body ache


One way to counter these problems can be by eating healthy, exercising and taking pain medications as prescribed by your general physician.


  1. Immune System

Stress activates the immune system, which is an advantage in case of situations that need immediate tending. This simulation can help in healing wounds and avoiding infections. But if you’re constantly stressed, your immune system can weaken over time. This can cause the following problems:


  •     Reduce your body’s response to foreign bodies and invaders
  •     Viral illnesses and infections like flu and the common cold
  •     Increased time to recover from injuries


  1. Reproductive System

Stress can impact both the body and the mind. It can also affect your sexual desires. Research shows that short-term stress can cause men to produce more testosterone, which is a hormone. But this effect isn’t long lasting. Constant stress can drop testosterone levels, which can cause problems such as:


  •     Low sperm count
  •     Erectile dysfunction
  •     Impotence
  •     Higher risk of infections for reproductive organs such as the prostate and testes


For women, stress can cause issues with their menstrual cycle, leading to irregular, painful or heavier periods.

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