At Airofit, we want to bring better breathing to the world. The beauty of Airofit is that it can and should be used by anyone – from Olympic athletes to the everyday person who just want to become a better version of their current self. Airofit is here to enhance your quality of life. Whether you do sports, run out of breath taking the stairs or suffer from asthma or COPD, we do it for you.

The Airofit Breathing Trainer provides resistance to your breathing muscles, allowing you to train your Respiratory Strength, Accessible Lung Capacity, Anaerobic Threshold, and other areas of your breathing. Airofit training is simple and easy, done separately from any exercise in just 5-10 minutes a day, sitting down in the comfort of your home.


Competition closes Thursday, 30 June 2021 2021 at midnight.

Ts&Cs apply. Competition will run online only. By entering the competition, you accept The Citizen’s standard terms and conditionsPremium members will not be automatically entered for this competition due to the nature of the competition.


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