contagious diseases

Diseases readily passed from one person to another are contagious, communicable, or infectious. It’s possible that some infections may spread via casual contact. For instance, the measles virus may remain airborne for up to two hours after an infected person’s cough. The measles virus may spread via the air and infect everyone who breathes it in. Protect yourself against the growing number of communicable illnesses by learning about new dangers, including antibiotic-resistant bacteria and the possibility of a global flu pandemic.


SARS-CoV-2, a coronavirus, is responsible for the biggest epidemic since the H1N1 flu pandemic of 2009. COVID-19, or the 2019 coronavirus illness, causes many symptoms, including high body temperature, difficulty breathing, muscle pains, and a diminished sense of smell.

The virus is transmitted by inhalation and droplet contact with an infected individual. There is optimism that the epidemic can be stopped thanks to new COVID-19 vaccinations.

Clostridioides Difficile

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) now rank C. diff infections as their top public health priority. The C. diff bacteria is very contagious and may cause fatal infections in certain people.

Diarrhea and intestinal inflammation (colitis) are symptoms of this illness. Most cases of C. diff are linked to hospital stays and antibiotic use.

To prevent spreading the potentially dangerous C. diff germs, anybody with a suspected case (and any household members or caretakers) should wear gloves when handling feces and wash their hands well with warm, soapy water.

RELATED: 5 Diseases that Stay In Your Body Decades before They Come Out

Drug-Resistant Bacteria

In recent decades, antibiotic resistance has emerged in many bacterial species. These are some of the most typical. Carbapenem-resistant E. coli is an example of a bacterium that may develop resistance to even the strongest antibiotics on the market today, belonging to the family Enterobacteriaceae (CRE).

Multidrug-resistant people with compromised immune systems are at greater risk from Acinetobacter. Drug-resistant, Undercooked chicken may be a vector for the spread of campylobacter.

Pneumococcal illness caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae is resistant to many antibiotics. Drug-resistant Salmonella may be contracted by eating food not properly prepared or handled. Lungs are the common site of infection for tuberculosis, a bacterial disease.

Regular hand washing with soap and water, cooking meals to an internal temperature of at least 165 degrees Fahrenheit, and avoiding

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