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Try On a scale of one to ten, one being not well at all and ten being a rock star, how do you process and manage stress? Stress is an unavoidable part of life. Sometimes we experience more than we feel we deserve. 

How we manage stress plays a vital role in our well-being. Chronic long-term stress can cause physical illness and even death. 

“Mindset. It’s all about mindset. From the moment you wake up to the moment you rest your head at night. Everything is up to you. Your emotions, your thoughts, your perceptions, your reactions. Every moment.” ~ Michael Bliss

When coping with and managing stress, a mindset can make all the difference. When living in a scarcity mindset, you attract more scarcity and negative responses. When living in an abundant mindset, we attract abundance. We are energetic beings, and we magnetize the energy we put out back.

Scarcity Mindset

A scarcity mindset happens when we are living an ego and fear-based life. It occurs when we feel we do not have enough, don’t deserve the cards dealt to us, and feel sorry for ourselves.

We all have pity parties occasionally when the chips are down, but it is essential to pick ourselves back up and deal with whatever life hands us. Being bitter and in a funk will push your loved ones away and attract more negativity into your life. No one likes a “Debbie downer.”

In a scarcity mindset, the person catastrophizes and thinks the world is out to get them. They often turn to unhealthy habits to numb unpleasant feelings. They reject any form of help and isolate themselves from loved ones.

“You don’t have to figure everything out today. You don’t have to solve your whole life tonight. And you don’t have to tackle everything at once. You just have to show up and try. You just have to focus on the most immediate thing in front of you. And trust that you will figure out the rest along the way.” ~ Daniell Koepke

Abundance Mindset

When we embrace love and a soul-based mindset, we are more resilient and better able to cope with life’s stressors. In an abundance mindset, we believe we are worthy of all we desire. We have deep faith and believe we are on the right path.

In an abundance mindset, we can prioritize what is essential and use available tools to relieve and manage stress. We turn to healthy self-soothing such as exercise, time in nature, and connection with supportive and inspiring friends and family. And we become more resilient when faced with adversity.

Your power is so strong that whatever you believe comes true. You are the way you are because that is what you believe about yourself. Your whole reality--everything you believe--is your creation. ~ Unknown Author

Shifting From Scarcity Mindset to Abundance

  • Determine your priorities.
  • Focus on opportunities.
  • Practice gratitude for all that you do have.
  • Visualize the future you desire in great detail and believe you are worthy.
  • Recognize the power of your thoughts.
  • Challenge your thoughts to keep things in perspective.
  • Practice self-care by eating well, moving your body, and sleeping well.
  • Use breathing techniques to deactivate the sympathetic nervous system’s high alert status so you can begin to relax.

“Our mindset can either propel us forward into our dream life, keep us in a state of happiness and gratitude, or it can keep us in negativity, a paralyzed state of spinning our wheels. The choice is yours.” ~ Author Unknown

Everything is Temporary
When you feel the weight of the world on your shoulders, remember that everything is temporary. There is someone out there who would be envious of your life. There is also someone who expected to wake up today but didn’t. Things can always be worse.

If you are struggling financially, that can be scary. Look at income and expenses. Rather than spinning your wheels in distress, look at where you can reduce spending and increase revenue. This problem-solving will reduce stress and anxiety.

If you are heartbroken, find ways to process grief and sorrow. Be gentle with yourself. The healing process takes time to happen.

Do you need help with child custody or legal matters? Okay, take steps to research the answers you need to proceed.

It does not help in any situation to complain and mope around. If you are experiencing depression and cannot face the dilemmas at hand, please seek medical help.

“What you think, you become; what you feel, you attract; what you imagine, you create.” ~Buddha

Recognizing Red Flags of Stress Being Out of Control

  • Sleep problems
  • Physical symptoms such as headaches, nausea, and increased heart rate
  • Drinking or taking drugs to numb out
  • Over or under eating
  • Snapping at, lashing out, or isolating from others
  • Refusing to face problems head-on
  • Constantly complaining and thinking the worst

Seven Stress Management Techniques

  1. Breathing
    Take a long deep inhale to four counts, hold your breath four counts, then exhale four counts, hold your breath and then repeat.

This breathing technique activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which calms the body, lowers our heart rate, and brings us back to present moment awareness where we can remind ourselves we are safe.

2. Exercise
You can still move your body if you do not like going to the gym or even sweating. Moving our bodies produces endorphins that help us feel better. Choosing to move is a form of self-control and a way to regain our power when life feels overwhelming.

Walk, work out, or try yoga outdoors to amplify the positive effect.

3. Mindfulness
Be aware of where you are holding tension in your body. Open your mouth slightly and move your jaw back and forth. Roll your shoulders up and back, and then reverse direction. Notice if you are clenching your fists. Breathe into the spaces of your body where you feel the tension and invite yourself to relieve and let go of it.

Be aware of your body language and communication with others. Try journaling your thoughts rather than ranting and spreading negative energy.

4. Manage Triggers
Recognize and choose self-soothing techniques when your negative emotions are elevated. Listening to music, engaging in a hobby, watching a comedy, or listening to an inspiring podcast, time in nature, and petting an animal are excellent sources of relief.

5. Self-care
Eating a well-balanced diet will replenish your energy when you are down. Choose foods high in nutrients and proteins.

Be sure to get enough sleep each night by turning electronics and television off at least thirty minutes before bed. Try reading or taking a warm bath.

6. Quiet the inner critic
We are our own biggest critics. It is easy to fall into the trap of blaming or shaming ourselves for where we are, but that will not help. Instead, forgive yourself and learn from your mistakes.

7. Personal Responsibility
Stop blaming others and start admitting to your flaws and mistakes. Accept the obstacle in front of you and say yes to the challenges. Apologize when needed. Know that you can’t always change the system and get what you want.


Love is always more rewarding than fear. Negativity will escalate the effects of stress. Instead of a scarcity mindset, choose an abundant mindset. Laughter is excellent medicine as well. Stop being selfish and consider your loved ones and how your mood and actions affect them. 

Practice this affirmation when you feel overwhelmed:

“I focus on what I can control and let go of what I cannot.”

Everything in life is a choice. If you are miserable, that is because that is your chosen mindset. Your thoughts determine your outcome. There are many tools available, some of which I shared, but they only help when you decide to use them. 

“If you focus on what you lack, you will lose what you have. And if you focus on what you have, you will gain what you lack.” ~ Greg McKeown

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