
Research: Dream-making behavior that quadrupled during the COVID-19 pandemic

Research: Dream-making behavior that quadrupled during the COVID-19 pandemic

Dream-fulfilling behavior is the phenomenon in which an individual physically carries out a vivid and unpleasant dream at Sputnik International, with the sound of voice and unexpected, often … 23.05.2022.

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A group of researchers recently detected a two- to four-fold increase in the prevalence of dream-making behavior (or rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder (RBD)) during the COVID-19 pandemic. Researchers in the study highlighted the long-term results of COVID-19, which can lead to neuropsychiatric symptoms / disorders in patients with COVID-19, although muscles are supposed to be paralyzed during REM sleep. , RBD people sleep soundly and lack the muscle paralysis needed to actually reproduce anything, based on data from the International COVID-19 Sleep Study (ICOSS) conducted during the May-August 2020 pandemic. After investigating, the official issued the findings. The online survey compiled data from 15 countries around the world. We asked the people surveyed if they had experienced an RBD during a pandemic. About 26,539 people participated in the survey. Researchers have found that RBD is common during the pandemic of the world population and is generally associated with people who are experiencing sensory disturbances, moods, post-traumatic stress disorders, and obstructive sleep apnea symptoms. I also found that there was. .. Those diagnosed with COVID-19 were 2-3 times more likely to experience RBD or dream-making behavior (DEB), including Adam Zeman, a sleep disorder professor and expert at Exeter University. I explained that the factors may be related to infection with COVID-19 and DEB, such as stress, anxiety, and breathing problems. In addition, Liu acknowledged that their findings were only a glimpse of the relationship between pandemics and RBDs. The team’s findings were published in the Journal of Sleep Research.

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Mary Manly

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Mary Manly

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Sputnik International

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MIA “Rosiya Segodnya”


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MIA “Rosiya Segodnya”

Mary Manly

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Sleep, covid-19, research

Dream realization behavior is the deepest stage of a person’s sleep, during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, where individuals physically create vibrant and unpleasant dreams with voice sounds and unexpected, often violent limb movements. It is a phenomenon to play.

A group of researchers recently detected a two- to four-fold increase in dream-fulfilling behaviors or the prevalence of rapid eye movement sleep behavioral disorders (RBD) during a COVID-19 pandemic.

Researchers in this study emphasized that the long-term effects of COVID-19 can lead to neuropsychiatric symptoms / disorders in COVID-19 patients.

Although muscles are supposed to be paralyzed during REM sleep, people with RBD sleep soundly and lack the muscle paralysis needed to actually recreate what they are dreaming about.

Professor Yaping Liu, lead author of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, said:

The formula released the findings after examining the data from the International COVID-19 Sleep Study (ICOSS) conducted during the May-August 2020 pandemic. The online survey collected data from 15 countries around the world and asked the survey subjects questions. I experienced an RBD during a pandemic. About 26,539 people participated in the survey.

“We found that the prevalence of dream-fulfilling behavior was two to four times higher than in previous studies conducted in the general population during non-pandemic periods,” Liu said. “In addition, subjects who reported a diagnosis of Covid-19 were 2-3 times higher than those who were not infected.”

Researchers have found that RBD is more common during the pandemic of the world population and is commonly associated with people who are experiencing sensory disturbances, moods, post-traumatic stress disorders, and obstructive sleep apnea symptoms. I also found that it was. People diagnosed with COVID-19 were 2-3 times more likely to experience RBD or dream-making behavior (DEB).

Adam ZemanA professor and expert on sleep disorders at the University of Exeter explained that there may be other factors associated with COVID-19 and DEB, such as stress, anxiety, and breathing problems. In addition, Liu acknowledged that their findings only give a glimpse of the link between a pandemic and an RBD.

“Dream-realizing behavior can also occur as a result of other sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea, and has been reported by people with post-traumatic stress disorders and those experiencing nightmares. “We do,” said Liu. If other problems such as nightmares, PTSD, stress, and negative emotions improve, it will decline. “

The results of the team survey Release It is published in the Journal of Sleep Research.

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