At the gates of World Sleep Day, which is celebrated this Friday, March 17, more than five million Spaniards suffer from sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome (SAHS) and 80% of them are unaware of it, according to data from the Spanish Association. in the Dream of Scipio (Asenarchus). “In other words, four out of five people with this disorder are not diagnosed, and therefore do not receive adequate treatment to alleviate their symptoms,” emphasizes Dr. Julio Maset, physician of Cinfa.
Sleep apnea is a fairly common and often chronic breathing disorder that interrupts a sleeper’s breath. During these pauses or apneas, which may last from a short time to two minutes, and may be repeated for thirty hours or more, the air does not reach the lungs. When a person breathes, it is common for them to snort or scream. In addition to disturbing sleep, these bursts also reduce blood pressure and increase carbon dioxide.
As Dr. Maset explains, “the most common cause of these pauses is obstructive apnea, caused by the closure of the upper respiratory tract, nasal cavities, mouth, pharynx and larynx during sleep. These tongue, tonsils and uvula or uvula can become obstructed if mucus or fatty tissue builds up in the throat, or if the throat muscles are too relaxed. Sleep apnea is usually diagnosed by a partner, roommate, or roommate. Generally the breathing becomes abnormally slow or low, stopping for a minute, and then suddenly ceasing. “The noise is common, as well as gasping or sudden awakening, languor and drowsiness, dry mouth or throat on awakening.”
Along with hypopnea – in which the airway is partially blocked, apnea is part of a disease known as sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome. “In addition to the respiratory, cardiovascular, metabolic and inflammatory consequences, sleep apnea-hypopnea interferes with the quality of rest, which is why a person with this disorder usually feels sleepy and tired the next day,” adds the Cinfa expert. Having this syndrome also increases the tendency to depression and affects academic work or performance.
Lifestyle and the use of positive pressure to treat this problem
As Dr. Julio Maset indicates, “if the treatment is followed, the prognosis is excellent and the most serious complications can be prevented. The treatment focuses on more moderate factors such as weight, smoking, alcohol consumption or habits and physical exercise. In addition, a positive pressure system (CPAP) can be used in the case of mild apnea or controlled. It is a person who introduces a slight positive pressure in practice, keeping the airways open. It also helps to remove dental prostheses, preventing the tongue from moaning, preventing the throat. In some cases, surgery is necessary, for example, to correct the deviation of the nasal septum or to remove the tonsils or polyps occur, which may be the cause of this syndrome.
Ten tips to prevent sleep apnea:
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