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Am J Case Rep. 2022 May 14;23:e936734. doi: 10.12659/AJCR.936734.
BACKGROUND Despite unprecedented speed in the execution of the COVID-19 vaccine and therapeutic clinical trials, pregnant patients have been largely excluded from initial studies. In addition, pregnant patients who are unvaccinated against SARS-CoV-2 have greater morbidity risk with severe COVID-19 disease as compared to patients of similar age and comorbidity status. Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) has been deemed safe in pregnancy in other diseases. Prior data demonstrate the possible benefit of utilizing IVIG for the treatment in hospitalized patients with severe respiratory symptoms associated with COVID-19 active infections when administered within 14 days of COVID symptom onset. CASE REPORT We administered IVIG (Privigen®, CSL Behring) 0.5 g/kg daily for 3 consecutive days to 4 pregnant patients (ages 24-34 years of age) who were hospitalized with moderate-to-severe COVID-19 and not vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2. All patients received concomitant glucocorticoid therapy. Gestational ages were 26, 17, 35, and 35 weeks. All patients were discharged home breathing room air after a mean hospital stay of 15 days. Two patients had uncomplicated cesarean section at 35 weeks during the hospitalization. The pre-term pregnancies at 17 and 26 weeks were intact at hospital discharge and resulted in normal vaginal deliveries at term. All 4 patients consented to participate in this case series report. CONCLUSIONS IVIG may be a safe treatment consideration in pregnant women with severe COVID-19 to avoid pregnancy complications. Its use warrants further study in pregnancy acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) due to SARS-CoV-2, influenza, and other respiratory viruses to which pregnant patients are vulnerable.
PMID:35567293 | DOI:10.12659/AJCR.936734