New long-hauler COVID-19 symptoms are continuing to be reported and they’re more common in females, and possibly in younger patients, too, according to a Cleveland Clinic doctor.

Two of the most common long-hauler symptoms seem to be fatigue and breathlessness, said Dr. Michael Ghobrial, medical director of Respiratory Therapy and Pulmonary Rehabilitation for Cleveland Clinic’s Medina Hospital.

“Some systematic reviews and studies have shown this to be more common in older patients. But in our practice, we are seeing it more common in younger patients,” the pulmonologist said.

In a new video from Cleveland Clinic and produced by the Sacramento Bee, Ghobrial says his team is focusing on each issue individually when it comes to COVID-19 treatments.

David Caraccio is a video producer for The Sacramento Bee who was born and raised in Sacramento. He is a graduate of San Diego State University and longtime journalist who has worked for newspapers as a reporter, editor, page designer and digital content producer.

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