It was a cold winter night as I lay in my bed to sleep. There is a deafening silence in the house. I closed my eyes and the memories of the day started playing in my mind. As my thoughts progressed, I started thinking of my past happy and cheerful memories. And then it transitioned into negative memories of the day I lost my loved ones. My mind got stuck on that particular day and all the negative emotions started reeling in. I started thinking about death and that I have to face it one day. Which led me to think about my past sins and the punishments of hellfire. This eventually led me to think about how I’m going to face the angel of death. And what if I died right now? My heart started racing and my palms are all sweaty. I quickly opened my eyes. I was having anxiety and my sleep was lost in that trail of thoughts. Which ruined the next day. I always had this kind of panic attack before where one thought led to another and another, till I end up having anxiety.

After striving on multiple occasions of anxiety. I came to realize that our mind is like an untamed animal, if we let it go all wild it will harm us eventually. If we want to avoid being harmed by our thoughts, we need to tame them before they tame us. I tried a few steps that helped me to fight it before it overshadowed me.

So, whenever I had mild/moderate anxiety or panic attacks, I follow these simple steps.

Step no.1 – BREATHE IN……Hold…….BREATHE OUT…..

Deep breathing is an amazing technique that can be used to control anxiety. When you’re anxious, your breathing gets shallower and your heart rate increases. This makes you feel more anxious. But when you take deep breaths, it sends a message to your brain to calm down and relax. The brain then starts to slow down your heart rate. It also helps to get more oxygen to our brain which can help to improve our thinking.

Step no.2: Get back in control

Pull yourself together with positive self-talk. Self-talk is the conversation that you have with yourself in your head. When you’re anxious, your self-talk can be negative and destructive. For example, you might tell yourself “I’m going to fail” or “I can’t do this”. This kind of thinking only makes you feel worse and can lead to a downward spiral of negative thinking. But if you change your self-talk to be more positive, it can help you to feel better and get back in control of your anxiety. So instead of telling yourself “I can’t do this”, try saying “I can do this” or “I am going to succeed”. These kinds of positive statements can help you to feel more confident and in control.

Have a positive outlook on the situation by replacing the negative outcome with positive and healthier outcomes.

Step no.3: Distract yourself

When you’re feeling anxious, it can be helpful to distract yourself from your thoughts. This can be done by doing something that you enjoy or that takes your focus away from your anxiety. For example, you could read a book, listen to the recitation of the Quran, go for a walk, or talk to a friend. Doing something that you enjoy can help to take your mind off of your anxiety and make you feel better.

Step no.4: Dua

One of the most helpful things that you can do when you’re feeling anxious is to make dua to Allah (SWT). When you make dua, you are asking Allah for help and guidance. This can help to calm your anxiety and give you a sense of peace. It is also important to remember that Allah is in control and that He will help you through whatever you’re going through.

There is one specific dua for anxiety that will help you calm yourself and seek guidance from Allah(SWT)

Step no.5: Kill the triggers

Anxiety can be triggered by certain thoughts, situations, or objects. It’s important to identify your triggers so that you can avoid them if possible. If you know that certain things make your anxiety worse, try to avoid them. For example, if you get anxious when you’re in large crowds, try to avoid going to places where there will be a lot of people. If you can’t avoid your triggers, try to be prepared for them. For example, if you’re going to be in a situation that makes you anxious, bring along something that will help you to feel better, such as a friend or a distraction.

Step no.6: Seek professional help

If your anxiety is severe or if you’re having trouble managing it on your own, seek professional help. A therapist can help you to understand and manage your anxiety. They can also teach you how to use relaxation techniques and other tools to help you cope with anxiety.

Anxiety is a normal emotion that we all experience at times. But when it’s severe, it can be debilitating. If you’re struggling with anxiety, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. There are many resources available to help you manage your anxiety and get back to living a healthy, happy life.

I hope these steps will be helpful for those who are struggling with anxiety. Remember that you are not alone and that there is always help available. If your anxiety is severe, it is important to seek professional help. But if your anxiety is mild or moderate, these steps can help you to get back in control.

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