The health condition of former West Bengal chief minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharya showed improvement on Tuesday, and his doctors are considering removing him from non-invasive ventilation. Bhattacharya, who is 79 years old, may undergo some tests to check for any further infection. The treatment plan will be determined based on the results of these examinations. The doctor treating him mentioned that Bhattacharya had a restful sleep and is responding well to treatment. The antibiotics administered seem to have helped control the infection. The former CM was admitted to a private hospital in Kolkata’s Alipore area due to breathing difficulties, where he was diagnosed with lower respiratory tract infection and ‘Type 2’ respiratory failure. Bhattacharya has been suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and other age-related ailments. He served as the chief minister of West Bengal from 2000 to 2011. Since then, he has stayed away from the public eye due to his declining health. Bhattacharya’s appearance in 2019 at a rally with oxygen support was a surprise to party workers. He retired from the CPI(M)’s Politburo and Central Committee in 2015 and left the party’s state secretariat in 2018.
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Breathing+ by Breathing Labs has passed peer review in a randomized controlled clinical trial that was recently published in SCI Q2 journal Pediatric Pulmonology. Research done by @bezmialem Full text is available in a link here:
BREAKING: @breathinglabs and @Nintendo clinical trial is published in journal Pediatric Pulmonology (SCI Q2, Impact Factor > 3), full text: #telemedicine #telehealth #mhealth
BREATHING VR: Lately we are sourcing this VR headset for use in Breathing VR application. It allows easiest installation of both breathing+ headset cable, and USB charging cables, which is essential in professional use:
Update: Each purchase of Breathing+ will now include three machine washable mouthpieces. Previous buyers will be supplied with those by their country representatives but will have to cover shipping costs. Please be patient while we arrange distribution.
Update: We moved servers + relocated all our games to our servers, please be patient while google reviews all that (showing unsafe website atm). Use duckduckgo or non-chromium browsers to reach our pages in the meantime. Everything ok + new product addons coming out in a month!
Registration and all functionalities at (and in our iOS and Android games) are fixed and fully working. If you find any issues -> [email protected]
We are back in stock with Breathing+, currently searching for VR supplier, and setting up mass production for toys and tens stimulation + in November we will be signing up new erasmus traineeships, research projects, bilateral, FP(eu), and asia-pacific ->[email protected]
BREAKING: Nintendo Co. Ltd (Japan) is implementing Breathing Games by @breathinglabs in FDA approved clinical trial for children with bronchiectasis:
Notice to b2b partners: we are running late with some minor upgrade-> briefly running out of stock -> retail and b2b sale is closed until early october. To get a list of partners with stock to sell contact us at [email protected] Thanks, we'll go strong again in winter 💪