Aparajito director Anik Dutta was rushed into the hospital on Tuesday after he had difficulty in breathing. The filmmaker has a history of Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and he was suffering from a cold for the last few days. On Sunday, he attended an award ceremony where Aparajito bagged several awards, including Best Film and Best Director. On Monday, his health deteriorated and he had breathing difficulties. 

Anik was taken to a hospital in South Kolkata. He was admitted to the ICU. According to hospital sources, he has a chest infection. Tests are on and his condition has stabilised since his admission. However, no official comment could be made before the examinations are conducted.  

After Aparajito, Anik got busy working on his new film, Joto Kando Kolkatay. He went to North Bengal for a recce. The film features Abir Chatterjee, Madhumita Sarkar, Paran Banerjee, and others in the lead. Meanwhile, Anik’s last film Aparajito received a number of awards at Cinemar Somaborton – WBFJA Awards. While he bagged the Best Director Award, the film also got the Best Film, Best Promising Actor, Best Screenplay, Best Art Director, Best Costume Designer, Best Makeup, Best Background Score, and so on. The film that is based on Satyajit Ray’s making of Pather Panchali has been one of the most commercially successful films in 2022. In the film, Jeetu Kamal plays the role of young Aparajito Ray – a character based on Satyajit Ray and Saayoni Ghosh plays the character of his wife. 

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