Through the lung health benefits of curcumin, it shows promise in increasing protection to the lungs against the cancer-causing effects of second-hand smoke.

( -- July 1, 2022) Las Vegas, NV -- It is not at all a secret that cigarette smoking wreaks havoc on health. There have been many people diagnosed with chronic ailments due to this unhealthy habit. 

Federal health officials report that 58 million Americans, which include children, are still breathing in tobacco fumes. It is worth realizing that this stays true despite three decades of declines in secondhand smoke exposure.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, on the other hand, says that almost 40 percent of children aged 3 to 11 are exposed to secondhand smoke. 

According to Brian King, the good news is that secondhand smoke is down since we started measuring it in the late 1980s.

King is deputy director for research translation in the CDC's Office on Smoking and Health.

It is worth being warned that second-hand smoke actually possesses over 7,000 chemicals. These include some 70 found to be cancer-causing. It is similarly important to learn that secondhand smoke can trigger sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). 

It is vital to take the measures scientifically found helpful in protecting overall health, especially the lungs. Smoking has long been found to trigger the onset of various lung health issues. 

Some experts further recommend some steps to take better care of the lungs and improve their protection.

In increasing lung health protection, it is wise to consider what natural remedies like curcumin can offer. It is worth realizing that this polyphenol has long been reputed to deliver a range of health benefits. 

Curcumin could exert varying mechanisms to protect and enhance lung health. Studies show it may induce cell death in both non-small cell lung cancer as well as small cell lung cancer. It may aid in preventing cell survival signals and damaging DNA in cancer cells. 

What makes it all the more beneficial is that it also severs as an antioxidant, which can offer protection to normal lung cells from oxidative stress.

Through the lung health benefits of curcumin, it shows promise in increasing protection to the lungs against the cancer-causing effects of second-hand smoke.

In a study, curcumin has been found to aid in fighting a procarcinogen that can be found in the environment and cigarette smoke.

The therapeutic benefits of curcumin may be obtained through the help of formulas like Incredipure Curcumin. It is important to realize that this supplement has been reputed to be superior to other brands due to its high potency and purity (


Incredipure is a small inutraceutical company specializing in herbal supplements. Manufactured in the United States following strict GMP guidelines, all products are made using only the highest quality ingredients from suppliers within the U.S.

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