
Anyone who has had a panic attack knows how unbearably painful they can be. Here are some ways that can help to get through a panic attack.

Anxiety disorder is a common mental health condition. A large number of people face anxiety in their lives all around the world. Panic attacks are linked to anxiety and are on the rise. Occasional anxiety is normal and it can be useful, as well. Anxiety is a natural bodily reaction that prepares your body to either flee or fight in dangerous situations. Panic has the same effect on our minds. According to Healthcanal’s experts, most people experience about one to two panic attacks in their lifetime. However, panic attacks are more recurring in people with anxiety and can transition into panic disorders, too. Panic attacks are completely unpredictable, and that makes them harder to deal with. You could be sitting at a birthday party and suddenly experience a panic attack, without a warning. In such cases, the experience becomes much more frightening, as you can’t run out of a place or get immediate assistance.

What Is a Panic Attack?

A panic attack is a brief, sudden episode of overwhelming fear, anxiety, or panic. They often happen for no apparent reason, however, at times, they can be caused by a trigger. Panic attacks have emotional symptoms, as well as physical symptoms. It usually lasts for 5-10 minutes or half an hour, but the dreadful effects may last for a few hours. Panic attacks are terrifying and having to deal with them frequently can be extremely exhausting for anyone.

The Causes and Symptoms of a Panic Attack

Anxiety disorders or a medical condition can cause panic attacks. When people are stressed or sick, they are more likely to have panic attacks. Different triggers are also a common reason for panic attacks. Although they vary from person to person, some common triggers include social events, public speaking, conflicts, or a situation that reminds you of a traumatic experience. People suffering from panic disorders go through panic attacks more than others. A panic attack is a combination of physical and emotional symptoms. The physical effects may include nausea, racing heart, shortness of breath, dizziness, trembling, and chest pain. Some individuals have reported that they feel as if they are about to die from suffocation or a heart attack. Intense fear is the major emotional symptom of a panic attack.

How to Deal With a Panic Attack

It requires a great amount of patience and strength to get through a panic attack. Following are some suggestions that can make panic attacks bearable while also reducing anxiety.

Accept the situation

Even though panic attacks are harmless, they are still extremely scary. During a panic attack, your brain tends to focus on the worst case scenario, making you believe that you are having a heart attack or that you are going to die. Recognizing and telling yourself that it is a panic attack will clear up these thoughts. Challenging catastrophizing thoughts can reduce the panic attack and prepare you for future attacks, too. Since you will be familiar with the symptoms, you will panic less the next time.

Remember that it is temporary

Panic attacks may feel like life threatening, they generally do not last for a long time. Reminding yourself that it is a brief episode of anxiety and it will pass soon, can be of great help. Acknowledge that the feelings are temporary and will not harm you in the long run.

Try deep breathing

Shallow breathing is one of the major signs of a panic attack. The chest pain along with slow breathing not only makes you feel suffocated, but it can worsen the other symptoms, as well. Deep breathing is a proven solution for reducing symptoms of panic attacks. There are a variety of techniques available that will make you inhale and exhale through your mouth to reduce anxiety.

Essential oils

Soothing scents are beneficial for calming down and reducing anxiety. Lavender is the preferred scent, gently smelling it can minimize the feelings of fear. However, if you don’t like lavender then you can replace it with a different essential oil such as chamomile, lemon, etc. CBD is another oil that can help to cope with anxiety. There are a number of reasons why CBD is beneficial for your health, and anxiety is one of them.


Panic attacks are not easy to manage, especially if they occur frequently. The above-mentioned suggestions can help you make the experience bearable. Keep these tips in your mind when you feel panicky.

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