The Science of BreathingWith Arnar Larusson
Friday October 10th (6:30 - 9:00 p.m.)
Join Arnar Larusson for a lecture on the science of breathing and learn more about how to tap into our breath for personal health.
Arnar Larusson is the Co-Founder and CEO of Tyme Wear, a smart shirt that tracks breathing to help athletes measure their unique fitness level and individualize their training to it. Prior to founding Tyme Wear, Arnar did research at Harvard University where he helped develop the first soft exoskeleton that lowered the energy cost of walking. Prior to that, he helped develop prosthetic limbs for Paralympians. Arnar is a triathlete, ultra-marathoner, and a former basketball player on Iceland’s youth national team. He holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Iceland.