Tamil Nadu has reported 502 fresh Covid cases as of today (Saturday), including 2 people who returned from Sri Lanka, and one death, The Hindu reported.
An 84-year-old man from Tiruppur, who had diabetes and systemic hypertension, was admitted to the Government Medical College Hospital, Tiruppur, on April 5 with complaints of fever and difficulty in breathing after testing positive for COVID-19. He died on April 13 due to COVID-19 pneumonia.
Among those who tested positive for the infection were nine persons who returned from overseas. This included two people each from the United Arab Emirates, Sri Lanka and Malaysia.
In Chennai, 136 persons tested positive for the infection. A total of 52 persons tested positive for COVID-19 in Kanniyakumari, while there were 42 cases in Coimbatore, 28 each in Chengalpattu and Tiruvallur and 27 in Salem.
A total of 329 persons were discharged. The total active caseload rose to 3,048, of which Chennai had the most number of active cases at 857. There were 245 active cases in Chengalpattu, 236 in Coimbatore and 210 in Kanniyakumari. A total of 5,869 samples were tested. (The Hindu / Colombo Gazette)
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