Manoj Pande (66), a retired Army officer, who has been teaching yoga for the past 10 years, said, “Since Covid, I am seeing more youngsters coming to our classes. We also need to train more children around us. They are easy learners and more flexible.”
Yoga instructors said breathing exercises like ‘pranayama’ and ‘kapalbhati’ are most popular.
“Yoga is effective in keeping the lungs healthy and checking heart diseases. People who survived the pandemic are more inclined towards breathing exercises. ‘Pranayama’ and ‘Kapalbhati’ are two of the prominent asanas in this category. Another reason for their popularity is their ability to relieve thyroid and cholesterol patients,” said Rajesh Yogi, founder and chairman of Arogyam Research Foundation, a wellness and yoga centre in Noida.
According to instructors, people have started seeing yoga as an approach towards holistic health rather than a regular workout or weight loss mechanism.
“Earlier, we saw people doing yoga to lose weight or as a regular workout. But the young generation understands the depth of it and practises yoga to maintain good physical and mental health,” said Yogi.
Arvind Yograj (40), who has been teaching yoga for 18 years in the Prateek Laurel society, said, “I have been teaching yoga for a long time now, but since the world first observed International Yoga Day in 2015, more people have become educated and aware about yoga.”
School yoga instructors also said that students are now more aware about yoga than ever before.
“Students, including the differently-abled ones, have shown an interest in yoga this year. Though schools are closed due to summer break, over 100 students attended the celebrations today. Two of them are differently-abled,” said Shalini Sharma, principal of a primary school in Kasna.
While many people like offline yoga classes, online classes are also gaining popularity now.
During Covid in 2021, 1,34,000 people, including 7,000 from Noida and 60,000 from Delhi, registered for a 21-day challenge with Habuild, a company providing online yoga classes, for their live 45-minute yoga sessions at 6.30 am daily.
“Our impact is reflected in the registration numbers. Recently, we have been receiving more and more participation from Delhi-NCR,” said Habuild co-founder Anshul Agrawal.