bird flu is a viral disease that normally affects birdsincluding chickens, ducks and geese.
However, in some cases, bird flu can be transmitted from infected birds to humans and cause illness in them.
Most cases of bird flu in humans have occurred after direct contact with infected birds or contaminated surfaces with droppings from infected birds.
Bird flu symptoms in humans They may include fever, cough, sore throat, muscle pain, headache, malaise, and shortness of breath.
In some severe cases, bird flu It can cause pneumonia, multiple organ failure, and death.
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It is important to note that avian influenza it is not easily transmitted from person to person, so the risk of a flu pandemic avian in humans is low.
Howeverpeople who work in close contact with infected birds, such as poultry industry workers and hunters, may be at higher risk of contracting the disease.
To prevent bird flu in humans, it is recommended to avoid contact with infected birds and follow proper hygiene practices, such as regular hand washing and cook poultry to a safe temperature.
If an avian flu infection is suspected, it is important to seek medical attention immediately.
bird flu can be deadly in humans.
Although most cases of bird flu in humans are light or moderatein some cases the disease can be serious and even fatal.
The bird flu virus can infect the upper and lower respiratory tract and cause pneumonia and multiple organ failure.
Bird flu symptoms in humans may include fever, cough, sore throat, muscle pain, headache, malaise, and shortness of breath.
In severe cases, bird flu can cause Serious life-threatening complications such as pneumonia, multiple organ failure, and death.
higher risk
The elderly, pregnant women, young children and those with weakened immune systems may be at higher risk of developing serious complications due to bird flu.
It is important to note that bird flu it is not easily transmitted from person to personso the risk of an avian influenza pandemic in humans is low.
However, it is important to take precautions to avoid contact with infected birds and follow proper hygiene practicessuch as regular hand washing and cooking poultry to a safe temperature.
This note It was done with the help of artificial intelligence.