Orthopedic surgery is a field of surgery whose objective is to solve various disorders of the skeletal and locomotor system or lessen your symptoms. The problems it treats usually affect mainly the bones, cartilaginous structures or joints.

Thus, there are numerous injuries in which orthopedic surgery is used, which can be divided according to the parts of the body they affect. Thus, for example, in the feet, orthopedic surgery is performed on metatarsalgia, valgus of the big toe, pes cavus, flat feet and hammer toes.

In the case of people with hand injuries of the scaphoid rupture type, carpal tunnel injury, De Quervain’s syndrome, thumb osteoarthritis (rhizarthrosis), stenosing tenosynovitis (snapping finger), can also resort to this specialty to solve their problem.

if we talk knee, are the operations of the meniscus or ligaments and osteoarthritis of the knee the most common; While in the shoulder is the rotator cuff; and in the hiphip osteoarthritis.

Within orthopedic surgery, emergency surgery It is considered a subspecialty. In this case, it is a type of surgery that deals with the emergency treatment of patients with traumatic injuries.

Regarding the convenience of contacting an orthopedist in cases of the aforementioned pathologies, on many occasions it can be highly recommended for the patient, since it will be this professional who will assess the need or not for a surgical intervention.

The fact that this specialist is also a surgeon makes it possible for him to resort to the intervention directly when he deems it appropriate.

Sport practice

Many times, traumatology and orthopedic surgery are specialties that walk hand in hand.

They range from clinical assessment, diagnosis, prevention, treatment by surgical means and adequate rehabilitation to the care of patients with congenital and acquired diseases, deformities and traumatic and non-traumatic functional alterations of the musculoskeletal system and its associated structures. .

Based on this, the practice of sports and its relationship with medicine have attracted the attention of many professionals towards traumatology and orthopedic surgery.

While is true that many orthopedic surgeons are drawn to sportsit should be clear that these professionals deal with more than just sports injuries.

Specifically, yeswith specialists seeking to restore normal function to a deformed, diseased, or injured part of the musculoskeletal system, and methods of physical rehabilitation.

For his part, heSports medicine is the medical specialty that studies fitness to practice sport, working both on the prevention and treatment of pathologies derived from its practice.

Thus, this specialty is responsible for the care, advice, diagnosis and treatment necessary to play sports safely.

But, to understand sports medicine, it is best to know the disciplines on which it is based.

The first is the prevention and treatment of injuries related to the practice of any of the sports disciplines, as well as the cControl and monitoring of your performance and the treatment of diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, obesity, heart disease with the prescription of physical exercise.

Another of the key aspects after a sports medicine treatment is that which has to do with the rehabilitation of injuries or interventions.

In this recovery process, postoperative physiotherapy plays a fundamental role in the recovery of a patient after surgery.

Regarding its benefits, it should be noted that it accelerates recovery after surgical interventions, which is why there are many doctors and surgeons who prescribe rehabilitation after a postoperative period.

Between the Advantages of going to a physiotherapista, specialists point to a risk minimization and faster recovery.

In addition, postoperative physiotherapy works on mobility and flexibility. Although not all postoperative procedures are the same, in almost all of them you have to rest.

Thus, postoperative physiotherapy sessions are aimed at retraining the mobility of the intervened areawith exercises scheduled according to the patient and with the appropriate rhythm for an effective recovery.

Another advantage of going to a physiotherapist during a rehabilitation process is that the techniques applied can calm postoperative pain.

In fact, the General Council of Colleges of Physiotherapists of Spain (CFCFE) recalls that physiotherapy is an essential discipline in the physical and emotional recovery of patients with postoperative pain. Its application has a significant improvement in patients with minor surgeries and in patients with long-term operations.

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