WILLIAMSBURG, MA—Two Hampden County Sheriff’s Department officers are credited with saving a woman’s life Wednesday night after they found her unconscious and not breathing at the scene of a Main Street car crash, officials said.
The two officers, Ryan Kennedy and Nicholas Husovsky, were driving through Williamsburg after completing a prisoner transport to the Berkshire County House of Correction when they spotted a car off the road into a tree just after 9 p.m.
They found the woman slumped over the center console and unresponsive. The doors were locked and they had to shatter a window to get inside, official said.
The woman was not breathing and had no pulse. The Kennedy and Husovsky performed CPR for about five minutes until Williamsburg firefighters, Highland Ambulance, and the Massachusetts State Police arrived. Paramedics used a defibrillator to restore her pulse.
She was taken by ambulance to the hospital, according to Williamsburg police.
The cause of the accident is under investigation.
The crash happened on Main Street near Hillenbrand Road.
The car was towed from the scene.
Hampden County Sheriff Nick Cocchi said, “We are thankful that our officers were in the right place at the right time and able to help bring this woman back.”
“These unpredictable incidents are exactly why it’s so important that all first responders be trained in a variety of life-saving measures,” he said. “You never know when you’ll come upon someone who needs help.”
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