One of the main symptoms of prolonged Covid is fatigue. Unlike normal tiredness, which passes after a good rest, the feeling is persistent and can last for several months.
If fatigue is accompanied by other symptoms, such as fever, weight loss, bleeding, pain or night sweats, it is important to see a doctor. If the condition does not improve on its own, it is also recommended to schedule a visit to a health professional.
Professor of medicine Natasha Yates, from Bond University in Australia, teaches that small adjustments to routine can help solve the problem. In an article published in scientific dissemination platform The Conversationshe writes that research is still lacking to understand exactly what might help, but there are some steps to take.
Table of Contents
1 – Slow down
The first piece of advice is to take it easy, slowing down your activities until your energy levels return to normal.
2 – Calm down to resume exercises
The return to the physical exercise routine should also be gradual, respecting the body’s limits – physical therapists and physical education specialists can help create more suitable series for the moment.
3 – Prioritize sleep
Yates also suggests that sleep be prioritized. “Remember that while you sleep, the body conserves energy and heals itself. Having a scheduled bedtime and resting when you are tired during the day are important habits to recover”, writes the teacher.
4 – Improve your diet
Another important action is to increase the variety of healthy foods, betting on vegetables, fruits and vegetables full of nutrients. The doctor explains that medicines without scientific evidence are not recommended.
“Try to see food as a way to supply the body with the energy and micronutrients it needs to recover,” he teaches.
5 – Pay attention to yourself
Finally, Yates says it is essential to monitor fatigue to see if it is improving. If the condition is getting worse, see a doctor.