
A man smokes e-cigarette. Courtsey: Pexel

Maitha Al Ketbi, Staff Reporter

The National Rehabilitation Center warned of the dangers of smoking electronic cigarettes and their products, as they stimulate addictive behaviour and harm health because they contain nicotine.

The centre said the gases and vapours emitted from them as a result of the combustion process lead to damage to the lung, respiratory system and heart, and cause premature birth in pregnant women and a decrease in the weight of the fetus.

It is not, as some think, a healthy alternative to quitting traditional smoking.

The centre lists the dangers of e-cigarettes, including: high blood pressure, heart problems, narrowing of the arteries, mood disorders, sleep disorders, heartburn, and the risk of heart attacks.

The centre emphasized that systematic treatment is a necessity to avoid addiction and its serious complications, and to restore the patient to his normal life.

It said the earlier the treatment is, the better the treatment results, explaining that the smoker’s decision begins first with the will and determination to do so through gradual steps in reducing the number of cigarettes that are smoked daily, and then go and consult the specialist doctor to assess the condition and develop the appropriate treatment plan.

The centre identified 4 alternative nicotine treatments under the supervision of a physician: nicotine gum, nicotine inhaler, nicotine patch, and nicotine nasal spray.

Ramadan fasting is an opportunity to quit smoking and a catalyst for recovery from addiction. If a smoker is able to quit smoking from dawn until sunset, he can bypass smoking Tobacco at will.

The National Rehabilitation Centre includes a unique medical staff, the most prominent professors and doctors with exceptional knowledge and experience, who have achieved distinguished achievements in their field of work at the local, regional and international levels, and these experiences and the unique capabilities and infrastructure that the center possesses make it a global reference for providing therapeutic and advisory support for addiction patients.

The centre emphasized that the holy month of Ramadan is a great opportunity for a smoker to quit the negative habit, as after the end of the month of Ramadan, the body has gotten rid of nicotine deposits and the smoker only needs some determination to persevere in the journey of final quitting.

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