
Jaipur: Since over two lakh persons have recovered from Covid-19, the health department is now focusing on treatment of post-Covid complications.
In Jaipur, too, private and government hospitals have started separate OPD, IPD and even separate ICUs for treatment of post-Covid complications.
“We have started separate post-Covid treatment facilities in the city – at SMS hospital and Jaipuria hospital, where patient can go directly to the OPD and get the treatment for health issues after recovery,” said Dr Narrottam Sharma, CMHO (Jaipur-I).
After recovering, patients have to keep monitoring the parameters such as oxygen saturation, blood pressure and sugar levels. “People need to take care of health even after recovery from the virus. The most common complications which we are witnessing post recovery are related to respiratory system such as Interstitial lung disease, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and bronchitis. Besides, a lot of people are coming with increased levels of sugar, and also depression, anxiety and panic disorder. Also, in some cases, neurological complications have been reported,” said Dr Ajit Singh, superintendent, RUHS hospital.
The SMS hospital, government-run Jaipuria hospital and most of the private hospitals have now started psychological and pulmonary rehabilitation facilities for the recovered patients. Even after recovery, a few patients need care in ICU for pulmonary rehabilitation as they develop fibrosis in lungs.
Besides, doctors are claiming that those who had co-morbidites at the time of getting infected from Covid, such as diabetes, kidney, liver or disorders related to heart or cancer and having undergone organ transplant are always at higher risk of post-Covid complications.
Among the post-Covid complication, which has now become a cause of concern for the health authorities is mucormycosis, also known as black fungus. The health department has set up separate OPD and IPD for mucormycosis patients in identified government and private hospitals.
Some of the post-recovery complications
- Cough, fever, fatigue, chest pain, joint pain, difficulty in breathing, headache, depression, anxiety and stress
- Doctors prescribe blood thinner drugs, as they claim that there is risk of blood clotting even after recovery
- Due to blood clotting, a patient has risk of thrombo embolism, heart attack and stroke
-- Most common post-Covid complications are related to respiratory system as few patients complain of lung fibrosis



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