In this research we observe human's ability to recall visual stimuli according to their respiratory phase. To assess ability to recall visual stimuli Brown-Peterson task is used in a short term cued memory recall setup. We show that the ability to recall visual stimuli does not noticeably relate to inspiration/expiration phasing, but that it more noticeably relates to abdominal expansion. We assume this research could potentially suggest that humans are most receptive to processing new information when there is less amount of air in lungs. Such a dynamic can easily be observed in communication in humans - a recipient is most receptive to new information after recipient has fully exhaled, for example has vocally expressed what’s on his/her mind. As soon as a recipient inhales his/her susceptibility to new information drops. Now we are incorporating these findings in designing simple and effective methods to enhance learning and reduce stress in acquiring and comprehending new knowledge and new skills/behaviors.
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This research has been published in the following articles:
“Short-term cued visual stimuli recall in relation to breathing phase, Neurology, Psychiatry, and Brain Research”:
"Respiration phase-locks to fast stimulus presentations: implications for the interpretation of posterior midline “deactivations”, Human Brain Mapping":