We have an excuse for almost everything, especially when it comes to doing physical exercise. The most repeated: lack of time throughout the day or week, because working hours are usually marathon and exhausting.
We say no very quickly, forgetting the benefits it brings to our health. Regular physical activity has been shown to help prevent and control non-communicable diseasessuch as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and various types of cancer. It also helps prevent hypertension.
Do not forget physical exercise contributes to maintaining a healthy body weight. In addition, it can improve mental healthquality of life and well-being.
Excuses for not exercising
Despite the myriad of known benefits, many older and middle-aged adults struggle to meet physical activity recommendations: moderate aerobic physical activity for at least 150 to 300 minutes; o Vigorous aerobic physical activities for at least 75 to 150 minutes; or an equivalent combination of moderate and vigorous activities throughout the week.
Now, new research finds that making a daily breathing training improves exercise tolerance in middle-aged and older adults. Specifically, he talks about high-resistance inspiratory muscle strength training (IMST) to help this population transition to a healthier lifestyle. The study will be presented this week at the annual meeting of the American Physiological Society (APS) in Experimental Biology 2022.
“The development of novel forms of physical training that increase adherence and improve physical function is key to reducing the risk of chronic diseases with aging. The IMST heavy duty it may be one of those strategies to promote adherence and improve multiple components of health in older and middle-aged adults,” explains lead researcher Kaitlin Freeberg.
five minutes a day
IMST involves inhaling air through a portable device called a manual breathing trainer that adds resistance to breathing. The research team divided 35 adults age 50 and older into a high-strength group or a low-strength control group. Both groups used a manual breathing trainer for 30 breaths a day (about five minutes) for six weeks.
After six weeks of work, the high-endurance group showed a 12% improvement in a treadmill time-to-exhaustion test, while the low-endurance control group showed no change. The improvement in the high-endurance group also showed a relationship with changes in 18 metabolites tested in the study, predominantly those that “play a key role in energy production and fatty acid metabolism.”
“These preliminary findings suggest that five min/day of high resistance IMST it is a promising and highly adherent mode of physical training that increases exercise tolerance and modulates metabolic pathways in middle-aged and older adults,” Freeberg concludes.
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