Google and Fitbit are changing the way it handles your data and charge you for access.
Fitbit has announced that it's going to partially fix one of the most annoying features of its service and one that afflicted products like the otherwise excellent Pixel Watch.
That feature was the fact that anyone who wanted to see their own historical Fitbit health data had to pay to get access to it. Information like heart rate variation, breathing rate, and resting heart rate would all disappear after seven days while 90 days was the limit for everything else. The only way to see historical data was to pay Fitbit Premium.
Now, that's changing.
Engadget reports that Fitbit says it's making it so that "more of the insightful data from Fitbit's Health Metrics Dashboard available without a subscription to all of its users." That means that more information is going to be available without handing over any cash - an improvement considering the likes of the Apple Watch and other wearables don't hold such data ransom.
"Now, even without a Premium subscription, users will now be able to see 30-day and 90-day views of their data to track trends over time," the company said in a statement. That includes data like breathing rate, skin temperature, oxygen saturation, and resting heart rate for example.
There's still a 90-day limit, unfortunately, but this is at least an improvement over where we were before the announcement. It's still short of what the competition offers of course, but progress is progress no matter which way you slice it.
Fitbit and Google announced this change to the Health Metrics Dashboard as part of its The Check Up event. That event saw Dr. Karen DeSalvo, Google's chief health officer, discuss some of the initiatives and partnerships that the company has cooking in an attempt to "help billions of people be healthier."