Tuberculosis is an infectious disease that affects the lungs. One of the most common symptoms that tuberculosis patients generally exhibit is excessive coughing. According to World Health Organization (WHO) website, the World Bank website and the Global Tuberculosis Report (2021), India is a major contributor to tuberculosis cases globally. In India, the National Tuberculosis Elimination Programme treats the disease across the country through the government health system. The Indian government regularly publish updates made around tuberculosis in the Nikshay Report and Nikshay Patrika magazine. In this article, we have discussed whether tuberculosis is a hereditary or a contagious disease.
Is tuberculosis a hereditary disease?
No. Tuberculosis is not a hereditary disease. Tuberculosis does not pass from generation to generation. Hereditary diseases pass on from one generation to another. These diseases damage genes to pass on to generations.
Tuberculosis is not caused by changes in genes but spreads through harmful bacteria residing in the air.
Is tuberculosis contagious?
Yes. Tuberculosis is a contagious disease and follows an airborne transmission.
Tuberculosis spreads when a healthy person comes in contact with a person having an active infection. Healthy people acquire tuberculosis when they breathe the air contaminated by bacteria while in close proximity to a person suffering from tuberculosis. However, tuberculosis does not spread as easily as the cold or flu. Also, healthy people have to spend several hours in close contact with an infected person to catch the infection. The chance of infection increases for people who live with an infected person. Mere sitting next to an infected person for a few minutes won’t spread tuberculosis.
Even though tuberculosis is not too contagious, you should take complete precautions while traveling to countries with a high prevalence of the disease. Also, avoid close contact with infected people or coughing too much.
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