This is revealed by the latest Influnet report. Children under five remain the most affected with an incidence of 21.0 cases per thousand assisted (23.0 in the previous week), while in the 5-14 age group it is 10.41; in the 15-64 age range to 6.41 and among individuals aged 65 or over to 2.94 cases per thousand assisted. EPIDEMIOLOGICAL REPORT, VIROLOGICAL REPORT.

17 MAR

In the tenth week of 2023, from 6 to 12 March, the incidence of flu-like syndromes (ILI) in Italy is 7 cases per thousand assisted, slightly lower than that recorded the previous week (7.4) and ranks in the low intensity range. Only in Abruzzo the incidence is over ten cases per thousand assisted and settled at 16.6 cases per thousand assisted.

The estimated cases, compared to the entire Italian population, were approximately 411,000, for a total of approximately 11,949,000 cases since the start of surveillance.

Children under five remain the most affected with an incidence of 21.0 cases per thousand assisted (23.0 in the previous week), while in
the 5-14 age group is at 10.41; in the 15-64 age range to 6.41 and among individuals aged 65 or over to 2.94 cases per thousand assisted.

The number of flu-like syndromes is supported, in addition to influenza viruses, also by other respiratory viruses, including respiratory syncytial virus, in very young children, and SARS-CoV-2.

During the present week of observation, a further decrease in the proportion of samples testing positive for influenza (14.8%) was observed compared to the previous week (17.2%).

Overall, 5,588 clinical samples have tested positive for the flu virus since the beginning of the season. Of these, 4,850 were type A (87%) and 738 were type B (13%). Among the A viruses, the H3N2 subtype has so far been predominant. All B viruses so far characterized were found to belong to the Victoria lineage.

March 17, 2023
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