
The West Sonoma County Union High School District (WSCUHSD) board will consider approving COVID-19 Safety Plans (CSPs) for Analy, El Molino and Laguna High Schools at its special board meeting Tuesday, March 30 at 5 p.m., the agenda said.

The agenda and Zoom meeting information is available here: simbli.eboardsolutions.com/SB_Meetings/ViewMeeting.aspx?S=36030891&MID=6300

According to background information in the agenda, the CSP is made up of the Cal/OSHA COVID-19 Prevention Program (CPP) and the COVID-19 School Guidance Checklist.

So far, the trustees already approved the district’s CPP and intended reopening dates for small cohorts of prioritized student groups for March 29 and a general reopening into a hybrid model of education for April 12, the agenda said.

Next, Superintendent Toni Beal is scheduled to give an update on the consolidation process.

Her report is followed up by a board discussion of federal COVID-19 relief funds and the state’s In-Person Learning Grant and Expanded Learning Opportunity Grant.

Further, the agenda states that “the district will provide a summary of the four different allocations we are expected to receive, the timeline of when the district can expect to receive those dollars, and the spending deadlines associated with each allocation.”

Last, the board will consider authorizing the district to enter a NASPO ValuePoint purchase agreement of $196,042.91 with Trafera LLC to buy laptops and other services and equipment, the agenda said.

The agenda continues that the district hopes to buy laptops and computers for incoming freshmen “in an effort to prepare for the possibility of a continued hybrid learning model next year.”


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