CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCSC) - Long term side effects caused by COVID-19 are affecting people in the Lowcountry.

Robert Harris has been suffering from long COVID, and says that the long-term side effects have drastically changed his life. He used to be very active but can’t do half of the stuff he used to do.

“It’s the worst thing I’ve ever had to deal with,” Harris said. “If I had to put it simply I tell people to imagine the worst hangover you’ve ever had, but that’s every day, and nothing helps.”

Harris is not alone in this battle.

Dr. Edward Galaid, the medical director for occupational medicine services at Roper Saint Francis, says that many people may be experiencing long COVID.

“There may be 60,000 individuals experiencing some of the signs of long COVID in the Tri-County area right now,” Galaid said.

Long COVID is more common than people may think, and according to Galaid, you never know how long you may have to deal with the side effects.

“Long COVID can occur in about 30% of all folks who have COVID,” Galaid said.

Harris says you may think you are healthy after your COVID test comes back negative, but it is common to still to have Long Covid and a negative COVID test result.

“I’ve had all these tests, and they all come out negative, which is very common from what I read.” Said Harris

Harris wants to get the word out and educate the community about Long Covid. He hopes more people get vaccinated so they hopefully don’t hve to deal with Long Covid .

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