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COVID-19 Testing Policy

Updated April 5, 2021

Effective April 5, 2021, RFU continues to require COVID-19 tests every other week for all students, faculty and staff engaged in on campus activities. This schedule applies to all individuals whether they are engaged in educational or administrative activities on campus.

All individuals experiencing symptoms related to COVID-19 are required to test (regardless of vaccination status).

Individuals who have been fully vaccinated may be excused from this testing requirement if the following criteria have been met:

  • It has been at least two weeks since completion of the vaccine protocol (2nd shot for Moderna and Pfizer or after a single shot of Johnson and Johnson).


  • Individuals have provided the University with proof of vaccination in accordance with the specified procedures.

Individuals who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 within the previous 90 days and have provided proof of that diagnosis of COVID-19 through the University’s Student Illness Form (students) or Faculty and Staff COVID-19 Illness report (faculty and staff) may also be excused from testing for 90 days following the diagnosis.

Proof of Vaccination Protocol

Faculty and Staff

Rosalind Franklin University highly encourages faculty and staff to be vaccinated. Faculty and staff may be excused from testing if you provide the University proof of vaccination. Documentation of your fully completed vaccine can be uploaded confidentially to ADP Workforce Now. To upload your documentation to ADP:

From the HOME screen, select Myself-Employment-My Documents:

  • On the right side of the screen, select "UPLOAD"
  • Click to select or drag your document onto the screen.
  • Change the display name to Vaccine Document and select the subcategory "Confidential-Medical Folder,” then Covid Vaccine in the drop down menu.
  • Do not include any effective or expiration dates and select SAVE. Your document will be saved in a confidential folder with HR access only.
  • Contact HR if you have any issues or questions on this process [email protected]


Rosalind Franklin University highly encourages students to be vaccinated. A new tracking category has been added to your CastleBranch account to allow you to have a safe and secure way of storing your vaccination information and to share it with the University and clinical sites as requested. Please see the below directions for this new category in your CastleBranch account. Should you have any questions about your CastleBranch account, please do not hesitate to reach out to [email protected]

How to Complete the COVID-19 Requirement in CastleBranch:

  • Option 1: If you have already received a complete COVID-19 vaccine series, select YES and upload your documentation of one of the following:

    • Pfizer BioNTech (2 shots)
    • Moderna (2 shots)
    • Johnson & Johnson / Janssen (1 shot)

  • Option 2: If you are in the process of receiving, or plan to receive, a COVID-19 vaccine series, please wait to complete the requirement in CastleBranch. After you have received a complete series, follow the directions in Option 1.
  • Option 3: If you do not plan to receive any COVID-19 vaccine, select NO and the requirement will be marked as complete.

Positive COVID-19 Test Protocol

Updated April 9, 2021

To ensure the safety of all RFU community members, protocols have been put in place for those diagnosed with COVID-19.

Students, faculty and staff members who have tested positive for COVID-19 must complete and submit the appropriate Illness Form.

In order to return to on-campus administrative or clinical activities, the following criteria must be met:

  • The student, faculty or staff member must be fever-free for 24 Hours, AND
  • All symptoms have demonstrated signs of improving, AND
  • There must be a minimum of 10 days since the first onset of symptoms.

If the student, faculty or staff member tested positive but had no symptoms:

  • The individual may resume normal activity as long as 10 days have passed since the last positive viral test result for COVID-19, and there are still no symptoms.
  • If the student, faculty or staff member meets the above criteria, then the individual may submit either a negative test result or a document from a clinical provider clearing the individual to resume activity.
  • Once the appropriate documentation is received, the student has the responsibility to communicate those results to the Division of Student Affairs and Inclusion immediately. Faculty and staff have the responsibility to communicate those results to Human Resources. Upon receipt of notification, Student Affairs and Inclusion (students) or Human Resources (faculty and staff) will clear the individual to return to on-campus or clinical activities. No individual should return to on-campus or clinical activities without prior clearance from the Division of Student Affairs and Inclusion (students) or Human Resources (faculty and staff).
  • Please note, for students, faculty or staff in the clinical environment, additional protocols may be required to return to the clinical site, rotations or engagement (students should expect to make up any missed time and/or work).

Additional Note:

  • Any student, faculty or staff member who has tested positive for COVID-19 will be excused from testing for 90 days, after which time, the individual will be required to re-engage in testing or follow the protocol in place at the time. Students, faculty and staff members must continue to monitor for symptoms daily and must immediately report any symptoms per university guidelines.
  • Any student, faculty, or staff member who has COVID-19 or who has an increased health risk by being exposed to COVID-19 due to an underlying medical condition or is living with someone with increased risk may request an accommodation. Students should request an academic accommodation via the academic accommodation procedures. Faculty and staff members should contact Human Resources to request an accommodation.

Protocol for Reporting Possible Symptoms of COVID-19

Updated April 9, 2021

To ensure the safety of all university community members, protocols have been put in place for those showing possible symptoms of COVID-19:

  • Students, faculty and staff members experiencing possible symptoms of COVID-19 must complete and submit the appropriate Illness Form.
  • Students, faculty and staff members will be excused from any current activities/curricular requirements requiring in-person commitments either on campus or in a clinical setting (students should expect to make up any missed time and/or work).
  • Students, faculty and staff members will be directed to make an appointment to complete a COVID-19 test. The individual can take the test at any location they choose, including the RFU Health Clinics.
  • Students should email the test results to [email protected]. Faculty and staff members should email the test results to [email protected] and complete the Faculty and Staff COVID-19 Illness Form. If the result is positive, see Positive COVID-19 Test Protocol.
  • For return to the clinical environment, the student, faculty or staff member will also need to meet any additional requirements of their clinical site for return.

Exposure to Individuals With COVID-19 Protocol

Updated April 9, 2021

To ensure the safety of all university community members, protocols have been put in place for those who have been in direct contact with an individual diagnosed with COVID-19:

  • An affected individual (student, faculty, staff) will fill out RFU’s COVID-19 Illness Form.
  • Individuals who are fully vaccinated (at least 2-weeks post vaccination for the second administration of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine or at least 2-weeks post vaccination for the single administration of the J&J vaccine) and who have submitted proof of vaccination status to HR (faculty and staff) or the RFU Division of Student Affairs and Inclusion (students) are not required to quarantine.
  • After review, if an individual who is not vaccinated or who has not submitted proof of vaccination status is determined to be at high or medium risk, the individual will be required to quarantine and self-monitor for a minimum of 14 days (students should expect to make up any missed time and/or work).
  • Any exposed individual who develops symptoms during quarantine will be required to test immediately (with an understanding that tests often require appointments).
  • An exposed individual who has been fully vaccinated with proof of vaccination submitted who is not subject to quarantine requirements but who develops symptoms will be required to test immediately.
  • An exposed individual who has not developed symptoms and who is not yet vaccinated or verified as vaccinated will be required to take a test between 5-7 days after the exposure date.
  • If the test is negative, the individual will remain in quarantine for the remainder of the 14-day quarantine period and continue to monitor for symptoms.
  • Results from the required COVID-19 test will need to be uploaded to [email protected] (students) or to [email protected] (faculty and staff).
  • If results are positive, see the Positive COVID-19 Test Protocol.
  • For return to the clinical environment, students, faculty or staff will also need to meet requirements of their clinical site for return.

If You Are Not Sure If Your Illness Is Related to COVID-19 Protocol

Updated April 9, 2021

To ensure the safety of all university community members, protocols have been put in place for those who are ill and symptoms do not seem to correlate to COVID-19:

  • An affected individual (student, faculty, staff) will fill out the appropriate COVID-19 Illness Form. Individuals who are fully vaccinated and who have submitted proof of vaccination status who are experiencing symptoms that could be related to COVID-19 should complete the form.
  • After review, if the individual is determined to be at low risk for COVID-19, the individual will be:

    • Excused from on-campus activities requiring in-person commitments for a minimum of 72 hours after the last symptom is experienced (students should expect to make up any missed time and/or work) AND
    • If symptoms worsen and develop into a possible case of COVID-19, follow Protocol for Reporting Possible Symptoms of COVID-19.

COVID-19 Travel Policy

Updated April 5, 2021

RFU has implemented travel regulations for all individuals in the RFU community. All faculty, staff and students must register their travel via the forms provided below:

The following guidelines are in keeping with CDC recommendations which can be found in more detail on the CDC website.

All University sponsored travel is prohibited.

All personal travel is discouraged at this time whether domestically or internationally.

If you MUST travel:

Recommendations prior to traveling:

  • Get tested with a viral test no more than 3 days before your trip.
  • If your test result negative:

    • Keep a copy of your test results with you
    • Take precautions

  • If your test result positive:

    • Do not travel
    • Isolate
    • Follow public health guidelines

  • Requirements following traveling:

    • Get tested with a viral test 3-5 days after your trip
    • Stay home and self-quarantine for a full 7 days after travel, even if your test is negative
    • If you do not get tested, stay home and self-quarantine for 10 days after travel
    • Avoid being around people who are at increased risk for severe illness for 14 days, whether you get tested or not

  • Implement all precautions

If you have been fully vaccinated:

All individuals who have been fully vaccinated should still follow all CDC guidelines for travel and are not subject to testing and quarantine requirements.

COVID-19 Vaccine Information

Updated April 9, 2021

Rosalind Franklin University Health Clinics continues to provide the COVID-19 vaccine. We are following the Illinois Department of Public Health and Lake County Health Department guidelines for distribution to priority groups. The vaccine is offered during specified clinic times.

If you are interested in getting the vaccine at our clinics, you must sign up for the waiting list online. If you do not have computer access to complete the form, staff is available via the COVID-19 hotline (224-570-7575) to assist in getting you signed up for the waiting list.

Vaccines will be given by appointment only, and you will only be called for an appointment if you have registered and are eligible. Periodic vaccine clinics may be provided.

Please visit the RFU Health Clinics COVID 19 website.

Laboratory Personnel Physical Distancing Policy

Two weeks following the last vaccination for any laboratory whose entire personnel (faculty, staff, students) have been completely vaccinated, the physical distancing requirement may be relaxed from 6 feet to 3 feet as long as masks are worn at all times.


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