COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KKTV) - 11 News is getting answers for people in El Paso County after a scheduling mix-up involving second doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. One man says he showed up at the Broadmoor World Arena Sunday afternoon for his appointment, and the parking lot was empty.
There was no drive-thru clinic at the World Arena Sunday, but Jay Maloney’s vaccine confirmation says differently. The 73-year-old shared a picture of his confirmation with 11 News reporter Catherine Silver. It shows his first appointment was Saturday, February 13, and the follow up on Sunday, March 7.
It’s an error he wants an answer for. Like so many others, Maloney has concerns about delays, demand, and distribution.
Guidelines from the CDC state second doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines can be administered up to 6 weeks (42 days) after the first dose.
Maloney says he is confident he will be able to re-schedule. He just wants to know people are aware of the problem and working to fix it.
11 News reached out to COVIDCheck Colorado Sunday. You can read their response below:
As COVIDCheck Colorado works to provide the most proactive and equitable response to COVID-19, we do our best to provide access to the vaccine regardless of weather conditions. As a health and safety precaution for those scheduled to receive and administer vaccines on the bitter cold Sunday of February 14th, COVIDCheck Colorado initiated an early closure at the Broadmoor World Arena vaccination site and rescheduled appointments for a later date. As a result, on March 2nd COVIDCheck Colorado emailed and texted 437 individuals to confirm that their second dose of the vaccine had been rescheduled from March 7th to either March 6th or March 13th. While we made every effort to also call individuals, we recognize that we may not have personally reached everyone, and we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this caused those who visited the World Arena today. Anyone who was impacted by our rescheduling and still needs to receive their second dose is confirmed for March 13th, which is well within the recommended time period to receive the second dose. We’re working hard to reach every individual impacted and look forward to welcoming them to the World Arena in Colorado Springs on March 13th.
Centura Health is also a vaccine partner working at the World Arena site. A spokesperson says people can always call them if they ever have any vaccine questions. The number is 866-414-1562. You can also find more resources on their website www.centura.org/covid-19/covid-19-vaccine-information.
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