Paclitaxel often causes severe hypersensitivity reactions (HSRs) rapidly after infusion, even in patients given prophylactic therapy. The purpose of this study was to analyze the incidence of paclitaxel-related HSRs in patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) retrospectively, and to assess the feasibility of a modified premedication protocol. One hundred and seven patients who were pretreated with either a conventional premedication regimen (two doses of dexamethasone) or a short premedication regimen (single dose of dexamethasone with oral diphenhydramine and intravenous ranitidine), prior to paclitaxel infusion were retrospectively analyzed. A modified premedication regimen, consisting of 12.5 ml of Rescalmin (intravenous diphenhydramine 50 mg and calcium bromide 437.5 mg), intravenous ranitidine 100 mg, and intravenous dexamethasone 20 mg, was given 30 min prior to paclitaxel, with oral dexamethasone 8 mg given on the night before the paclitaxel. Patients received paclitaxel intravenously at 175 mg/m(2) over 3 h, followed by carboplatin, AUC 5, over 1 h on day 1 every 3 weeks. In the conventional premedication group, 21 patients had HSRs (32.3%); in 1 of these patients the HSR was considered to be severe (1.5%). In the short premedication group, 19 patients had HSRs (45.2%); in 6 of these patients the HSRs were considered to be severe (14.3%). The incidence of severe HSRs was significantly higher in the short premedication group than in the conventional premedication group (P = 0.027). In the modified premedication protocol study, HSR events were recorded in 14 patients (63.6%); 14 showed flushing, 2 had skin rash, and 1 had tachycardia. No severe HSRs were seen. The incidence of HSRs in the short premedication group tended to be higher than that in the conventional premedication group. The modified premedication protocol was found to be feasible for preventing paclitaxel-related HSR, but case accumulation is needed.

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Breathing+ by Breathing Labs has passed peer review in a randomized controlled clinical trial that was recently published in SCI Q2 journal Pediatric Pulmonology. Research done by @bezmialem Full text is available in a link here:
BREAKING: @breathinglabs and @Nintendo clinical trial is published in journal Pediatric Pulmonology (SCI Q2, Impact Factor > 3), full text: #telemedicine #telehealth #mhealth
BREATHING VR: Lately we are sourcing this VR headset for use in Breathing VR application. It allows easiest installation of both breathing+ headset cable, and USB charging cables, which is essential in professional use:
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BREAKING: Nintendo Co. Ltd (Japan) is implementing Breathing Games by @breathinglabs in FDA approved clinical trial for children with bronchiectasis:
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