Üsküdar University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics Res. See. Hatice Çolak shared nutritional recommendations for iftar and sahur in Ramadan and tips on healthy fasting.
Stating that the energy, protein, vitamin and mineral needs do not change during Ramadan, only the duration of fasting changes, Nutrition and Dietetics Specialist Hatice Çolak said, “It should not be forgotten that the period of satiety cannot be prolonged by eating more at sahur. For this reason, it should be preferred from foods that are digested slowly at sahur and maintain their nutritional properties throughout the day.” said
Nutrition and Dietetics Specialist Hatice Çolak, describing the nutritional recommendations for sahur, said, “Providing a good protein intake at first will extend your satiety period and prevent muscle loss during this period. Eggs, fresh and not too salty cheeses, kefir and yogurt are protein sources that can be consumed in sahur for intestinal health. Include moderate amounts of complex carbohydrates and avoid simple sugar and sweet snacks. Whole wheat products, dry legumes should be chosen. Even if it is healthy, consuming too many carbohydrates can cause hunger as it will raise and lower blood sugar quickly. Nuts, avocado, olives, olive oil, butter can be preferred.” he said.
Nutrition and Dietetics Specialist Hatice Çolak said that foods rich in fiber are found in bran, cereals, whole wheat, seeds, potatoes, vegetables and fruits. Hatice Çolak, Nutrition and Dietetics Specialist, said, “Since these foods are digested slowly, they both prolong the period of satiety and help prevent constipation. Very quickly digestible foods such as sugar, white flour, pastries, jams, hazelnut creams, fruit juices and other foods containing purified sugars should be avoided. Fried foods should be avoided. Such foods can cause complaints such as nausea, burning and reflux throughout the day. warned.
Stating that fluid needs should be planned between iftar and sahur, Nutrition and Dietetics Specialist Hatice Çolak continued as follows:
“Foods containing high salt/sodium should be avoided as they will increase thirst, and fluid intake should not be completed by drinking at sahur. It just tires the kidneys. Daily fluid requirement (average 2 liters) should be divided between iftar and sahur and consumed slowly. 2-3 glasses of water should be consumed during sahur. In addition to water, kefir and low-salt buttermilk can also be used to meet the liquid need. Drinking ginger and mint water at sahur will make you feel fresh all day long. Greens such as parsley and dill help both prevent bad breath and keep it full.”
Stating that you can start the meal with dates, low-salt black or green olives and water that is not very cold, Nutrition and Dietetics Specialist Hatice Çolak said, “Date has a balanced content in terms of carbohydrates, protein, unsaturated fatty acids, minerals and fiber and therefore blood sugar. It is a very suitable option to break the fast, as it can regulate the increase in the level of fasting. Afterwards, it can be continued with a bowl of soup and a short break of 15-30 minutes can be given to the meal after the soup. Taking a short break from eating can help maintain portion control of meals and prevent the spike in blood sugar and blood pressure that can be seen with rapid food intake after a long fast.” said.
Stating that spicy foods should be avoided during iftar, Nutrition and Dietetics Specialist Hatice Çolak said, “After the soup, grilled or boiled red or white meat, fish, olive oil, yogurt-tzatziki or ayran, salad and whole grain bread, preferably bulgur pilaf in small quantities. including rice and pasta. Spicy foods should be avoided. Spicy foods stimulate gastric secretions and may cause discomfort during fasting. If spicy foods are to be consumed, they should be used in limited quantities in cooking or while consuming meals. gave warnings.
Nutrition and Dietetics Specialist Hatice Çolak shared her healthy tips for fasting:
“Adequate amount of fluid should be taken: At least 2 liters of water should be consumed. Adequate fluid intake is necessary for removing toxins from the body, maintaining urine density and balancing kidney load, maintaining blood balance and preventing dehydration.
Body water must be preserved: It is important to stay in cool conditions during the day and limit physical activities to prevent fluid losses from the body.
Excessive food should not be consumed: While the body's regulatory mechanisms reduce the metabolic rate, it supports the efficient use of sufficient energy from the body's energy sources in case of hunger. Eating excessive amounts of food causes an increase in energy intake and an increase in body weight. Balanced and nutrient-rich meals provide the recommended amounts of protein, vitamins and minerals to be reinstated in the body.
Fatty food consumption should be reduced: Low-fat/skimmed milk, yoghurt, low-fat cheese, lean meat consumption should be preferred.
A balanced meal should be created: The diet after iftar should not be different from our regular diet. Our meals should contain complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains and whole grain bread, lean meats, legumes, fruits and vegetables.
Consumption of excessively sweet and purified products should be avoided: Purified products and sweets are digested very quickly compared to complex carbohydrates such as slower digesting whole grains and whole grain bread. Complex carbohydrates are found in grains and seeds such as wheat, oats, beans, lentils, whole wheat flour, rice. Complex carbohydrates will be a more suitable choice as they provide a longer-term balanced energy and feeling of fullness.
Care should be taken to get balanced energy: Excessive energy can be taken from the consumption of sugar-added drinks and sugar syrups. Instead of these, consuming water, juice, soups (without cream) as healthy choices are healthy choices.
Meal time should be considered: To facilitate digestion, food should not be rushed while eating, meals should be eaten slowly and chewed properly.
Acidic drinks should be avoided: Consumption of acidic beverages that have low nutritional value and increase gastric secretion should be avoided.
Caffeinated drinks should be limited: The consumption of tea, coffee and other caffeinated beverages should be limited.
Exercises should be planned after iftar: The balance between energy intake and expenditure can be maintained by taking light walks, stretching movements or cushion exercises 1-2 hours after iftar. Light exercises to be done while fasting will contribute to the healthy functioning of our other body systems, especially our digestive and nervous systems.”
Günceleme: 27/03/2023 16:17