Hannah Slater, 26, from London, was tormented by a phobia of Christmas tinsel for 20 years, The Mirror reported.
The girl said she developed the unusual phobia when she was six years old while celebrating Christmas with relatives. Slater's cousins decided to make a joke and wrapped tinsel around her.
"The fear just gets worse every year. My heart races, breathing becomes difficult and I feel sick to my stomach just thinking about tinsel touching my skin," Hannah said. "It has got to the point where I will dread Christmas Day every year.
"I feel terrible because my boyfriend is the most festive man I've ever met - he's practically Buddy the Elf - but I refuse to decorate the house and there's no way I'll ever go to Winter Wonderland with him.
"My family and friends don't buy me presents anymore and I don't get invited to work Christmas parties after I refused to take part in Christmas jumper day".
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