It is not certain that you need to take medications to turn off some annoying symptoms. There are circumstances in which one could avoid resorting to drug therapy and choose the path of natural remedies. Even when there are changes in blood pressure or tachycardia. Moreover, the number of subjects suffering from hypertension and often complaining of tachycardia episodes is constantly increasing. What is most frightening are the sudden changes in pressure which, especially after middle age, could become very frequent.
The editorial consultants have indicated what the diastolic and systolic pressure must be after the age of 50. And it is important to know the blood pressure values not to be exceeded to protect the health not only of the heart muscle, but also of the brain. At the same time it would be advisable to also pay attention to the main symptoms of high blood pressure. So you could have time and a way to prevent the onset of chronic diseases that seriously compromise the functioning of the organism.
For these reasons, this number of breaths would be enough to bring blood pressure back to normal and to calm an anxious state. Not everyone is familiar with some simple breathing techniques that help improve blood circulation. Obviously it would be preferable to associate muscle strength training with a healthy and balanced lifestyle.
Even at the table it is advisable to monitor and carefully choose the foods that are consumed most frequently. Particular attention deserves, for example, the amount of salt that you take every day and of which you are not always aware. Perhaps few people know that there is more salt in some foods we ingest daily than in tuna and cold cuts.
This number of breaths would suffice against the surges of maximum pressure and the anxiety of palpitations in the throat
To protect vascular health, it would also be advisable to practice motor activity consistently. However, even those who cannot engage in sport could strengthen the muscles of the respiratory system. A recent study revealed the positive effects of breathing on improving blood pressure.
Participants were asked to take 30 breaths per day for 6 days per week according to a high-strength breathing technique (IMST). This training allows you to increase the strength of the muscles involved during breathing through deep inhalations and exhalations. After 6 weeks of practice, the researchers found a significant reduction in blood pressure from 135mmHg to 126mmHg.
In addition, there was a marked improvement in the dilation of the brachial artery. Heart rate that is too high also benefits from breathing control. Those who have a troubled heart and feel it throbbing in the throat enter a state of agitation or often it is the anxiety that generates tachycardia. In such circumstances, breathing and cardiac activity can influence each other with positive or negative outcomes.
In fact, under stressful conditions, both heart rate and respiratory rate could increase. To bring the heart back to a normal beat, you could adjust the rhythm of your breathing. To this end, it would be useful to learn and experiment with the different breathing methods that help manage anxiety and tachiacardia.
(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings regarding this article and the author’s responsibilities which can be consulted. HERE”)