When anxiety gets out of hand, it’s time to seek professional help (Photo: Anthony Tran / Unsplash)
According to World Health Organization (WHO) data, Brazil is the most anxious country in the world and the fifth most depressed. Therefore, it is increasingly common to find that someone you know suffers Excessive anxiety (Or yourself).
The present times, in which we live practically every day in a whirlwind of emotions, do not help much, but, as you know, it is possible to prevent crises and have a quality of life. To find out all about the topic, we spoke with two experts at Anxiety: Psychiatrist Elka Oliveira, from Art Beauty Center, And body therapist Daniela Cruz, from Korma Spa. see below!
Table of Contents
What is anxiety?
“a Anxiety It is a completely temporary, natural, and natural response of the body to situations that cause a lot StressTherefore, Daniela explains, it is a feeling that is always present in the processes of change and new experiences in a person’s life. They are even useful in conserving species, because they indicate how to act in the face of a new situation or situation. Imminent danger, “says a body therapist.
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Is there a good level of health anxiety?
Anxiety prepares us to face different situations in life. “It uses internal resources so that a person can perform well in front of them. Therefore, we can determine that low anxiety does not adequately prepare the person for good results when necessary. Its excess weakens this performance. So, it is also a balanced degree. Anxiety is good for health,” Because it leaves the person ready to face situations, but without the risk, ”explains Elka.
Daniela also warns that anxiety allows an individual to be in a state of greater attention so that he can set appropriate standards in defense time. “The level is good for Health It is when anxiety drives a person and not when it paralyzes him, “he confirms.
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What are the symptoms of an anxiety attack?
In general, anxiety is when it is out of control and accompanied by psychological and physical symptoms. here they are:
Psychological symptoms: Fear, extreme anxiety (especially about the future), fear, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, and inability to relax. “The person feels like he’s on the edge of an abyss,” explains Elka. The psychiatrist explains that they can be considered symptoms of anxiety, “those thoughts in which everything bad can happen, even with illness, or that something bad can happen at any moment.”
Physical symptoms: The most important ones interfere with breathing, such as shortness of breath or hyperventilation. Chest pain and tachycardia (accelerated heartbeat) as well. “Some people sweat excessively and suffer from twitching and tremors Muscle strain. They may also have hot flashes or chills. Stomach pain is also present. We can also mention feeling faint and dizzy, ”Doctor details.
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How do I know if anxiety is harmful to my life?
“It is important to pay attention to the severity and frequency of episodes. Additionally, what may be causing these moments and how does this interfere with a person’s daily life or routine,” Daniela says. It is worth noting that negative anxiety is one that paralyzes and causes losses and does not lead to a readiness to deal with new or dangerous situations.
Additionally, Elka warns that if the anxiety is so severe that it causes suffering or prevents task performance, it is at a satisfactory level and must be addressed.
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Anxiety crises can lead to physical and psychological symptoms (Photo: Stephen Klein)
What could cause an anxiety crisis?
a Anxiety crisis It is when symptoms appear very intensely, as a group: tachycardia, tightness in the chest, irregular breathing and tremors in the body. And the reasons differ from one person to another. “Painful or stressful situations can be triggers. At that moment, it could be epidemic, disconnection, confinement, and fear of contamination,” explains Elka.
Daniela explains that crises can also appear due to chemical imbalances in the brain, as well as family problems, relationships, financial or work difficulties, and a combination of factors. In addition, a person with this condition may have seizures due to Catalysts Specific, such as consumption CaffeineOr alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs. In addition to the previously mentioned factors, insomnia, stress, lack of physical activity and lack of rest are among the factors that can trigger the manifestations of the disorder, “he says.
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What are the types of anxiety attacks?
There are some subtypes of anxiety disorder. The most common ones are:
Panic disorder
Social phobia (when a person feels fear, and he is afraid that others will judge him)
Specific phobias (fear of specific objects and / or situations such as animals, dentists, blood, height, flight, etc.)
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
Post-traumatic stress disorder
Generalized anxiety disorder (TAG).
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Are anxiety and panic crises the same thing?
“No, they are very different. In an anxiety crisis, the causes can be identified and you can have an expectation of when it will start, because the person will go through this situation which can be stressful. But in a panic, no. She may be in a position he deems comfortable and attacking panic It happens unexpectedly, “Elka explains.
Daniela also says that panic syndrome can be considered a type of anxiety disorder. He says: “It is associated with unexpected fear attacks, resulting from some type of stimulus. The person does not feel safe, which leads to despair, without necessarily having a real danger.” The signs can be both physical and psychological and impair the continuity of normal activities for those with this condition. Plus the added concern of a potential crisis at any time.
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What is the relationship between anxiety and depression?
“Depression and anxiety are associated with the homeostasis and modification of the serotonin and norepinephrine systems. The literature indicates that norepinephrine initiates a cascade of events that appear as states of anxiety at first and gradually progress to states of depression,” explains Pesciatra.
According to Elka, today’s anxiety, if not treated or improperly treated, will be depressing tomorrow. “It is worth noting that in psychiatry, comorbidity is more a rule than an exception and depression and anxiety are often linked. According to World Health Organization (WHO) data, Brazil is the most anxious country in the world and the fifth most depressed,” he reveals.
Daniela explains that anxiety in general is associated with feelings of excessive fear and anxiety, while depression is associated with feelings of deep sadness and a lack of pleasure in life. “This sadness leads to many other issues, such as lack of courage for daily activities and feelings of helplessness. Persistent negative thoughts, which can generate feelings of guilt and low self-esteem,” he explains.
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How is the diagnosis made?
And according to Elka, the prognosis will depend on the type of anxiety. The psychiatrist explains that these are clinical diagnoses, that is, they are made through a detailed conversation with the doctor, which is based on predetermined criteria for making the diagnosis. “Until now, there is no test, blood or imaging test to diagnose anxiety,” he says.
Daniela adds: “In some cases, a possible physical analysis through the tests may also be needed to rule out any other type of problem that interferes with the diagnosis.”
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Treatments for anxiety disorders can be pharmacological or psychotherapy. “The professionals who can help a lot are: the psychiatrist and the psychiatrist. In general, a psychiatrist will perform psychotherapy and a psychiatrist will prescribe medications. Mental health professionals will conduct an accurate diagnostic evaluation to determine the best treatment.”
“With regard to the pharmacological approach, we have, as the main strategies, Antidepressants And benzodiazepines. Benzodiazepines should be used, when necessary, only in the initial phase of treatment. On the other hand, antidepressants should be used long-term, ”Elka explains. In addition to medications and treatment, Physical activitiesAnd the Meditation And other alternative treatments can help relieve symptoms.
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Anxiety in everyday life
It is possible to control anxiety levels on a daily basis, but Elka suggests that, for this reason, people should “turn off the autoplay and try to get to the present moment completely”. Doing one activity at a time and trying to communicate as much as possible with every situation you are in can be a good thing. “I mean simple things like brushing your teeth and observing the path you take daily to perform more complex tasks like professional or academic tasks,” says the psychiatrist.
a breathing Diaphragm, meditation, physical activity, connection to bluish green environments, foodMoments of rest and planning are also important in controlling anxiety, according to the doctor. “For those who do not know, abdominal breathing is the breath in which we take a deep breath, try to tighten the abdomen, hold it for a few seconds and then exhale slowly, relax the abdomen,” he says.
Daniela offers more tips to keep your mental health updated and avoid anxiety attacks:
Find a varied and colorful diet, and avoid processed foods or chemical additives. Avoid consuming caffeine, alcohol and cigarettes.
Move around, engage in physical activities, and try to meditate.
Breathe deeply and consciously.
– At I am a restaurant Timely and Quality.
– a knife Automasagem e Burns feet.
Spend more time with people who encourage you to improve and provide moments of distraction.
Set up or find time to do fun activities.
– Invest in Self-knowledgeLearning to cope with anxiety is an important way to achieve better results in all aspects of life.
When practicing Self-careIn our body, the production of various substances is stimulated, among which is oxytocin. He concludes that it can help reduce fear and anxiety, as well as neutralize cortisol, a hormone associated with stress.
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