Why an oximeter is important to monitor your health.

An oximeter is a device that measures heart rate and oxygen saturation. Oxygen saturation is the percentage of how much oxygen is carried by the blood’s hemoglobin proteins, with 100% being the maximum amount of oxygen the blood can possibly carry. When using an oximeter on a finger, infrared light passes through the blood and measures the amount of oxygen.

Using an oximeter regularly helps a person keep track of their health. The oximeter shows the user whether heart rate or oxygen saturation levels are too low, too high, or just at normal levels. Some oximeters even beep as a warning when the oxygen saturation drops below certain levels. The same goes for when the heart rate is too low or too high.

The real question is:

Is an oximeter needed? And why should the OXI-33 (sold on Amazon) be considered?

It measures Respiratory Rate and Perfusion Index

The OXI-33 not only measures heart rate and oxygen saturation, but also Respiratory Rate and Perfusion Index.

What is the Respiratory Rate and Perfusion Index? Why are these features so nice to have?

Respiratory Rate

This is the number of breaths a person takes per minute. This is measured by counting how many times the chest rises in a minute when a person is at rest.

Normal Respiratory rate ranges from 12 – 16 breathe per minute, and it can increase with fever, illness, and other medical conditions. Anxiety can also increase the breaths per minute.

The respiratory rate on the OXI-33 can be useful for breathing exercises. People who practise mindfulness sometimes want to breathe less times per minute to stay calm and controlled. It can also help someone calm down, since the user of the device can focus on lowering their breaths per minute while watching the numbers on the device.

Perfusion Index

Also known as the PI, it is a number that indicates the strength of the blood flow in the body part where it is measured. A PI between 0.3 and 20% is considered healthy.

PI measurements may be valuable in the early detection of obstruction in the heart. For the OXI-33 it is more of a double-check to see if the device is able to read the oxygen saturation well.

When the PI is a strangely low or high number it can also indicate that the finger is cold and the signal is low.

Other nice features of the OXI-33

The screen rotates left, right, and vertically

The screen rotates, which helps the hand be in a comfortable position while the OXI-33 measures vitals. The user does not have to bend their hand or neck in weird angles to have a better look at the screen.

If the user wants to use the right hand, they can choose Select mode “R”. The screen will rotate and it will be easier for the user to read the screen when the oximeter is on the right hand. The same goes if the user prefers to use the left hand. They can choose Select mode “L”. If they are more comfortable using the screen vertically, then the user can choose Select mode “V”.

If anyone is looking for an oximeter that works for them, consider trying the OXI-33 which can be bought on Amazon! Order can be done safely thanks to iProven’s 100-days full refund policy.

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