To identify the incidence of venous thromboembolism (VTE) risk factors, postoperative VTE, and to assess the morbidity of perioperative pharmacologic VTE prophylaxis in men undergoing inflatable penile prosthesis (IPP) surgery.
We retrospectively reviewed 215 patients undergoing IPP surgery between July 2017 and June 2019. Univariate and multivariate statistical analyses were performed to assess pre-operative Caprini risk score and compare post-operative day 0 scrotal drain output, scrotal hematoma formation, and VTE in men who received SqH versus those who did not receive SqH.
Of 215 IPP patients, 84% were classified as high or highest risk for VTE utilizing the Caprini risk score. 119 (55%) received perioperative SqH with or without additional anti-thrombotics. Post-operative day 0 scrotal drain output was higher in those who received SqH compared to those who did not receive SqH, 99.9 mL versus 75.6 mL, respectively (p=0.001). Minor scrotal hematomas occurred in similar rates in patients who received perioperative SqH versus those who did not, 3.8% versus 6.3%, respectively (p=0.38). Similar results were found on subgroup analysis when eliminating patients who received SqH concurrently with other anti-thrombotics. The overall rate of postoperative VTE was 0.9%. No post-operative infections occurred.
Patients undergoing IPP surgery are at elevated risk for VTE. To our knowledge, this is the first study showing SqH use in the perioperative IPP surgery setting is safe when used in conjunction with a scrotal drain. Preoperative VTE risk stratification may be performed and can be used to guide clinical decision making regarding pharmacologic prophylaxis.
Copyright © 2021. Published by Elsevier Inc.

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