The new clinic will provide Veterans with integrated primary and mental health care, along with specialty and diagnostic services such as rehabilitation, optometry, imaging, lab, acupuncture, oncology and more. 

When the Monroeville clinic opens, we will move nearly all primary care services out of our University Drive campus in Oakland. We will move our primary care teams to locations that are easier for Veterans to access, and that have ample parking. The changes also open more space at University Drive for emergency services and specialty care.

The only primary care team that will remain at University Drive is the one that provides care for Veterans with renal (kidney) issues. All other primary care teams currently at University Drive will move to either our H.J. Heinz III campus or the new Monroeville clinic. Some primary care teams currently located at our Heinz campus will also move to Monroeville.

We will send you a letter to let you know if your primary care provider (PCP) is moving, or not. If your PCP is moving, you will have the option to see them at their new location. You will also have the option to ask to be assigned to a new PCP at one of our other sites of care. You can choose a site that works best for you. The letter will include directions on how to tell us now that, in the future, you want to receive care with a new PCP at one of our other sites that provide primary care. The letter will list the other sites of care. Please watch for your letter in the mail and wait to call until you receive your letter.

If you want to remain with your current PCP and see them at their new location when they move, you do not need to call or contact us. Your transition of care will occur automatically. For now, continue to report to the facility where you currently see your PCP. We will let you know when any moves will occur.

For some appointments, we may be able to provide care by phone or video. Ask your care team if telehealth appointments are an option for you.

To find out if your PCP is moving, below you will find a list of all patient-aligned care teams (PACT) at VA Pittsburgh, along with the names of the PCPs who serve each PACT. Please note that these locations are not final and are subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances.

If you do not know who your PCP is or which PACT you are on, you can find that information on My HealtheVet or in any primary care appointment reminders you received in the mail (the location of your appointment is also included on all your appointment reminder).

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