“One of my main problems now is that I have osteoporosis, and problems with my back as well which is quite painful. They also thin your skin quite a lot, I have got horrendous stretch marks, and they massively affect your sleep.

“If I managed to get off steroids it would be great, but things like osteoporosis is going to stay with me forever. I wouldn’t be without them [steroids] but we have a love-hate relationship.”

As well as dealing with side effects from steroid medication, Rebekah needed support in order to mobilise, wash, dress and make meals, meaning for a period of time she had to move back in with her parents.

Feeling “depressed and desperate” in November 2018, Rebekah was referred to a specialist asthma clinic that told her about a life-changing type of asthma treatment called a biologic - a treatment that many who are elligible still do not know exsists.

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