
PORTLAND, Ore. (KTVZ) -- There are five new COVID-19 related deaths in Oregon, raising the state’s death toll to 2,691, the Oregon Health Authority reported Saturday.

OHA also reported 330 new confirmed and presumptive cases of COVID-19 as of 12:01 a.m. Saturday, bringing the state total to 202,995.

Vaccinations in Oregon

OHA reported Saturday that 27,772 new doses of COVID-19 vaccinations were added to the state immunization registry.

Of this total, 13,364 doses were administered on Friday and 14,408 were administered prior to Friday.

The seven-day running average is now 16,749 doses per day.

Oregon has now administered 2,265,251 first and second doses of Pfizer, 1,633,378 first and second doses of Moderna and 148,514 single doses of Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccines.

Cumulative daily totals can take several days to finalize because providers have 72 hours to report doses administered and technical challenges have caused many providers to lag in their reporting. OHA has been providing technical support to vaccination sites to improve the timeliness of their data entry into the state’s ALERT Immunization Information System (IIS).

To date, 2,830,725 doses of Pfizer, 2,160,320 doses of Moderna and 298,600 doses of Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccines have been delivered to sites across Oregon.

These data are preliminary and subject to change

OHA's dashboards provide regularly updated vaccination data, and Oregon’s dashboard has been updated Saturday.

COVID-19 hospitalizations

The number of hospitalized patients with COVID-19 across Oregon is 196, which is 23 fewer than Friday. There are 60 COVID-19 patients in intensive care unit (ICU) beds, which is three more than Friday.

The total number of COVID-19 positive patient bed-days in the most recent seven days is 1,607, which is a 12.4% decrease from the previous seven days. The peak daily number of beds occupied by COVID-19 positive patients in the most recent seven days is 250.

The total number of patients in hospital beds may fluctuate between report times. The numbers do not reflect admissions per day, nor the length of hospital stay. Staffing limitations are not captured in this data and may further limit bed capacity.

More information about hospital capacity can be found here.

Cases and deaths

The new confirmed and presumptive COVID-19 cases reported Saturday are in the following counties: Baker (2), Benton (7), Clackamas (37), Clatsop (2), Columbia (11), Crook (4), Deschutes (16), Douglas (19), Harney (1), Hood River (3), Jackson (12), Jefferson (3), Josephine (3), Klamath (8), Lake (1), Lane (25), Lincoln (1), Linn (17), Malheur (3), Marion (33), Morrow (1), Multnomah (44), Polk (2), Tillamook (1), Umatilla (15), Union (2), Wallowa (2), Wasco (5), Washington (21), Yamhill (29).

Oregon’s 2,687th death is a 79-year-old man from Clackamas County who tested positive on May 17 and died on June 1 at Kaiser Sunnyside Medical Center. Presence of underlying conditions is being confirmed.

Oregon’s 2,688th death is a 79-year-old woman from Clackamas County who tested positive on May 18 and died on May 31 at Kaiser Willamette Falls Medical Center. She had underlying conditions.

Oregon’s 2,689th death is a 72-year-old man from Clackamas County who tested positive on May 22 and died on June 4 at Legacy Meridian Park Medical Center. Presence of underlying conditions is being confirmed.

Oregon’s 2,690th death is a 90-year-old woman from Clackamas County who tested positive on May 27 and died on June 2 at her residence. She had underlying conditions.

Oregon’s 2,691st death is a 78-year-old woman from Klamath County who tested positive on May 12 and died on May 29 at her residence. She had underlying conditions.

County Total Cases 1 Total deaths 2
Baker 981 15
Benton 3215 22
Clackamas 18500 227
Clatsop 1013 8
Columbia 1858 29
Coos 2147 37
Crook 1231 22
Curry 677 10
Deschutes 9750 79
Douglas 3666 78
Gilliam 71 1
Grant 538 6
Harney 400 9
Hood River 1210 32
Jackson 11325 145
Jefferson 2335 38
Josephine 3498 72
Klamath 4717 75
Lake 464 7
Lane 13644 155
Lincoln 1406 21
Linn 5426 77
Malheur 3580 63
Marion 23043 320
Morrow 1142 16
Multnomah 39767 607
Polk 3900 55
Sherman 64 1
Tillamook 660 4
Umatilla 8469 86
Union 1476 23
Wallowa 192 5
Wasco 1432 28
Washington 26469 239
Wheeler 34 1
Yamhill 4695 78
Statewide 202,995 2,691

1 This includes cases confirmed by diagnostic testing and presumptive cases. Presumptive cases are those without a positive diagnostic test who present COVID-19-like symptoms and had close contact with a confirmed case. County of residence for cases may change as new information becomes available. If changes occur, we will update our counts accordingly.

2 For additional details on individuals who have died from COVID-19 in Oregon, please refer to our press releases

Electronic Lab Reports (ELRs) received 6/4

County Negative ELRs Positive ELRs Total ELRs Percent Positivity
Baker 49 1 50 2.0%
Benton 464 6 470 1.3%
Clackamas 973 64 1037 6.2%
Clatsop 58 3 61 4.9%
Columbia 102 12 114 10.5%
Coos 133 0 133 0.0%
Crook 35 2 37 5.4%
Curry 39 2 41 4.9%
Deschutes 415 27 442 6.1%
Douglas 269 43 312 13.8%
Gilliam 2 0 2 0.0%
Grant 34 2 36 5.6%
Harney 4 0 4 0.0%
Hood River 56 2 58 3.4%
Jackson 479 19 498 3.8%
Jefferson 39 4 43 9.3%
Josephine 129 4 133 3.0%
Klamath 226 6 232 2.6%
Lake 38 0 38 0.0%
Lane 1678 28 1706 1.6%
Lincoln 112 0 112 0.0%
Linn 390 22 412 5.3%
Malheur 30 7 37 18.9%
Marion 912 55 967 5.7%
Morrow 19 1 20 5.0%
Multnomah 2498 67 2565 2.6%
Polk 190 6 196 3.1%
Sherman 10 1 11 9.1%
Tillamook 40 4 44 9.1%
Umatilla 149 12 161 7.5%
Union 94 2 96 2.1%
Wallowa 11 0 11 0.0%
Wasco 73 7 80 8.8%
Washington 1525 38 1563 2.4%
Wheeler 1 0 1 0.0%
Yamhill 1075 10 1085 0.9%
Statewide 12351 457 12808 3.6%

Cumulative ELRs

County Negative ELRs Positive ELRs Total ELRs Percent Positivity
Baker 12394 1883 14277 13.2%
Benton 151074 4883 155957 3.1%
Clackamas 482393 29071 511464 5.7%
Clatsop 36653 1748 38401 4.6%
Columbia 46075 2535 48610 5.2%
Coos 50252 2612 52864 4.9%
Crook 21056 1565 22621 6.9%
Curry 12076 576 12652 4.6%
Deschutes 207834 12073 219907 5.5%
Douglas 88506 4124 92630 4.5%
Gilliam 1323 49 1372 3.6%
Grant 6997 467 7464 6.3%
Harney 4558 445 5003 8.9%
Hood River 33914 1745 35659 4.9%
Jackson 233024 17107 250131 6.8%
Jefferson 21259 2169 23428 9.3%
Josephine 81392 4096 85488 4.8%
Klamath 54337 5389 59726 9.0%
Lake 6116 463 6579 7.0%
Lane 529488 16460 545948 3.0%
Lincoln 45994 2743 48737 5.6%
Linn 154406 9774 164180 6.0%
Malheur 27672 5246 32918 15.9%
Marion 374504 34511 409015 8.4%
Morrow 7991 1364 9355 14.6%
Multnomah 1124703 60442 1185145 5.1%
Polk 77393 5164 82557 6.3%
Sherman 1517 74 1591 4.7%
Tillamook 16290 668 16958 3.9%
Umatilla 71142 9457 80599 11.7%
Union 22955 1863 24818 7.5%
Wallowa 3454 193 3647 5.3%
Wasco 36593 1786 38379 4.7%
Washington 696645 43831 740476 5.9%
Wheeler 762 32 794 4.0%
Yamhill 160654 7705 168359 4.6%
Statewide 4903396 294313 5197709 5.7%

Learn more about COVID-19 vaccinations 

To learn more about the COVID-19 vaccine situation in Oregon, visit OHA's webpage (English or Spanish), which has a breakdown of distribution and other information.


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