NDSCS strives to provide a way for all to work and learn in a manner that minimizes risk (which is dependent on each individual, responsibilities, risk factors, and situation), while planning and responding to COVID-19 concerns. NDSCS’s COVID-19 response is based on guidance and protocols from the ND Department of Health (NDDoH), ND State Board of Higher Education (SBHE), and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
COVID-19 Response Plan (Fall 2021)
NDSCS has continued to minimize the risk and spread of COVID-19 through encouraging personal and environmental prevention practices/strategies. Going forward, NDSCS will continue to facilitate programs, procedures, and guidance that supports the adoption and implementation of these prevention strategies to minimize the risk and spread of COVID-19.
As the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve, NDSCS will regularly (at least weekly) communicate to the College community regarding any guidance and procedures that will be implemented or shifted to reduce the risk and spread of the virus. Specifically, when updated guidance and expectations are communicated – information will typically include guidance on:
- Face coverings
- Occupancy
- Visitors
- Positive Case Update
- Other important information
These messages will be sent through the Employee and Student Official Listservs and archived on this page.
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