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Upcoming Vaccination Clinics
Wednesday, March 17 – Scheduled Appointment
To schedule an appointment on Wednesday, March 17 to receive the Pfizer vaccine, click the button below or call 507.454.3650 before Tuesday, March 16.
Friday, March 19 – Walk-in Clinic
No need to sign up. Just walk in! From 8:00 a.m. until supplies run out.
This walk-in clinic is for the Pfizer vaccine only and is open to all Winona and Fillmore county residents and Winona Health patients who live outside those counties. The clinic will be in the Parkview Office Building, 855 Mankato Avenue in Winona, adjacent to the hospital.
Please wear clothing that allows for quickly exposing upper arm without requiring privacy.
Want to be added to the COVID-19 Vaccination Wait List?
Add your name to the wait list if you don’t yet meet the current criteria or if you can’t make the set appointment or walk-in clinic dates.
As your community health care provider, we are glad so many of you want to get vaccinated. Winona Health follows the guidelines and priority phases as defined by the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) and Center for Disease Control (CDC) for vaccine administration. Currently, the vaccine is in short supply. As vaccine becomes available, everyone who wants the vaccine will have an opportunity to get vaccinated.
Winona Health is prepared
As soon as more vaccine arrives, it will be given to the next priority group.
What YOU can do to ensure you’ll receive an email about vaccine availability:
- Set up a My Winona Health account by visiting winonahealth.org/mywh.
- If you have a My Winona Health account, you’re all set! You will be notified (at the email address you use for My Winona Health) about the availability of vaccine.
- Please be patient as Winona Health works with the state and local health departments on obtaining more vaccine.
For COVID-19 vaccine information and updates, visit winonahealth.org/COVID-19.
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