
The COVID-19 Community Corps

Our best path out of the COVID-19 pandemic is for every American to get a COVID-19 vaccination as soon as it’s available to them.

You’re invited to support the effort by joining the COVID-19 Community Corps. As a member, you’ll receive timely, accurate information to share with your family, friends, and neighbors. By encouraging them to get vaccinated, you’ll help protect them – and allow all of us to safely gather together again.

As a Corps member, you’ll get resources to help you build vaccine confidence in your community, including:

● Fact sheets on vaccine safety, tips on how to talk with friends and family about the importance of vaccination, and hints for planning and attending community events

● Social media content to share with your followers

● Regular email updates with the latest vaccine news and resources to share

Join the COVID-19 Community Corps!

Thank you for joining the fight to end the COVID-19 pandemic by choosing to get fully vaccinated, and encouraging the people in your life to do the same.

Provide your email address below and we’ll send weekly emails featuring tips, news, and resources to share with your community. (We will not share your email address with others and will use it only for COVID-19 Community Corps communications.)

See HHS Privacy Policy


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