Abbreviation | Name |
acet | acetate |
acetam | acetaminophen |
acetamin | acetaminophen |
acetaminop | acetaminophen |
acetaminoph | acetaminophen |
acetaminophn | acetaminophen |
acetamn | acetaminophen |
acetat | acetate |
acetylcarn | acetylcarnitine |
acriva | acrivastine |
acrivas | acrivastine |
ahf | antihemophilic factor |
alc | alcohol |
alk | alkaloids |
allant | allantoin |
alo | aloe |
aloh | aluminum hydroxide |
aminocet | aminoacetate |
amitrip | amitriptyline |
amitriptylin | amitriptyline |
ammon | ammonium |
amobarb | amobarbital |
amox | amoxicillin |
amp | ampule |
amphet | amphetamine |
amy | amylase |
apap | acetaminophen |
arachid | arachidonic |
asa | aspirin |
asp | aspartate |
atorvast | atorvastatin |
atrop | atropine |
azophen | phenazopyridine |
bacitra | bacitracin |
bacitrac | bacitracin |
bak | benzalkonium |
bcnu | carmustine |
beeswx | beeswax |
bell | belladonna |
bellad | belladonna |
benzalk | benzalkonium |
benzalkon | benzalkonium |
benzo | benzocaine |
benzoca | benzocaine |
benzocain | benzocaine |
betamet | betamethasone |
betameth | betamethasone |
betamethason | betamethasone |
bicarb | bicarbonate |
biot | biotin |
biphos | biphosphate |
bisac | bisacodyl |
bism | bismuth |
bismu | bismuth |
bit | bitartrate |
bitar | bitartrate |
bpm | brompheniramine |
bromphen | brompheniramine |
bromphenir | brompheniramine |
bromphenira | brompheniramine |
brompheniram | brompheniramine |
brempheniramin | brompheniramine |
bupiv | bupivacaine |
bupivac | bupivacaine |
butabarb | butabarbital |
butalb | butalbital |
butalbit | butalbital |
caff | caffeine |
cafn | caffeine |
caffein | caffeine |
cala | calamine |
camph | camphor |
cap | capsule |
cap24 | capsule 24 |
capspr | capsule sprinkles |
carbet | carbetapentane |
carbeta | carbetapentane |
carbetap | carbetapentane |
carbetapen | carbetapentane |
carbetapent | carbetapentane |
carbetapentan | carbetapentane |
carbpntn | carbetapentane |
carbi | carbidopa |
carbinox | carbinoxamine |
carboxymethylcell | carboxymethylcellulose |
carboxymethylcellulos | carboxymethylcellulose |
ccnu | lomustine |
cetylpyrd | cetylpyridinium |
chew | chewable |
chl | chloride |
chlordiazepoxid | chlordiazepoxide |
chlophed | chlophedianol |
chlophedian | chlophedianol |
chlor | chlorpheniramine |
chlorhex | chlorhexidine |
chlorhyd | chlorhydrate |
chlorid | chloride |
chloroxy | chloroxylenol |
chloroxylnl | chloroxylenol |
chlorph | chlorpheniramine |
chlorphen | chlorpheniramine |
chlorphenir | chlorpheniramine |
chlorphenira | chlorpheniramine |
chlorphenirami | chlorpheniramine |
chlorpheniramin | chlorpheniramine |
chol | choline |
chondr | chondroitin |
chondro | chondroitin |
chondroit | chondroitin |
chrom | chromium |
cinox | cinoxate |
cl | chloride |
clarith | clarithromycin |
clarithro | clarithromycin |
clav | clavulanate |
clotrim | clotrimazole |
cmb9 | combination no 9 |
cmplx | complex |
cod | codeine |
coll | collagen |
conc | concentrate |
cp | chlorpheniramine |
cpm | chlorpheniramine |
cpyrd | cetylpyridinium |
crm | cream |
cr | controlled release |
ctm | chlorpheniramine |
cuso4 | copper sulfate |
cyclobenz | cyclobenzaprine |
CYPROHEPTAD | cyproheptadine |
d25w | dextrose 25% water |
d38w | dextrose 38% water |
d5w | dextrose 5% water |
d50w | dextrose 50% water |
desog | desogestrel |
dexam | dexamethasone |
dexameth | dexamethasone |
dexbromphen | dexbrompheniramine |
dexbromphenirmn | dexbrompheniramine |
dexbrompheniramin | dexbrompheniramine |
dexchlor | dexchlorpheniramine |
dexchlorphe | dexchlorpheniramine |
dexchlorphen | dexchlorpheniramine |
dexchlorphenir | dexchlorpheniramine |
dexchlorpheniram | dexchlorpheniramine |
dextroamph | dextroamphetamine |
dextroamphet | dextroamphetamine |
dextrometho | dextromethorphan |
dextromethor | dextromethorphan |
dextromethorp | dextromethorphan |
dextromethorph | dextromethorphan |
dextromethorphn | dextromethorphan |
dextros | dextrose |
dhcodeine | dihydrocodeine |
dhcaac | dehydrocholic acid |
dhe | dihydroergotamine |
diatr | diatrizoate |
diphenhy | diphenhydramine |
diphenhyd | diphenhydramine |
diphenhydra | diphenhydramine |
diphenhydram | diphenhydramine |
diphenhydramin | diphenhydramine |
dichlphn | dichloralphenazone |
diprop | dipropionate |
disod | disodium |
disper | dispersible |
dm | dextromethorphan |
doss | docusate |
doxyl | doxylamine |
doxylam | doxylamine |
doxylamm | doxylamine |
dpha | diphenhydramine |
ec | enteric coated |
echin | echinacea |
eff | effervescent |
effer | effervescent |
effervsc | effervescent |
elix | elixir |
emlsn | emulsion |
emol | emollient |
emoll | emollient |
emtric | emtricitabine |
enx | enoxaparin |
ephed | ephedrine |
epineph | epinephrine |
er | extended release |
ery | erythromycin |
et | ethinyl |
eth | ethinyl |
ethaver | ethaverine |
ethin | ethinyl |
estra | estradiol |
estrad | estradiol |
eucalypt | eucalyptus |
ext | extract |
fa | folic acid |
famot | famotidine |
fluocin | fluocinolone |
fum | fumarate |
fumarat | fumarate |
gfn | guaifenesin |
gg | guaifenesin |
ging | ginger |
glucosa | glucosamine |
gly | glycol |
glyburid | glyburide |
gm | gram |
gr | gram |
gran | granule |
guaiaco | guaiacolsulfonate |
guaiacolsul | guaiacolsulfonate |
guaiacolsulf | guaiacolsulfonate |
guaif | guaifenesin |
guaifen | guaifenesin |
guaifenesn | guaifenesin |
guaifn | guaifenesin |
h | hour |
hb | hydrobromide |
hbr | hydrobromide |
hcod | hydrocodone |
hcl | hydrochloride |
hctz | hydrochlorothiazide |
hesp | hesperidin |
hesper | hesperidin |
homosal | homosalate |
hr | hour |
htp | hydroxytryptophan |
hyalur | hyaluronic |
hyaluro | hyaluronate |
hyaluron | hyaluronate |
hydrochlorothiazde | hydrochlorothiazide |
hydrochlorothiazid | hydrochlorothiazide |
hydromor | hydromorphone |
hydroxy | hydroxypropl |
hyo | hyoscyamine |
hyos | hyoscyamine |
hyoscy | hyoscyamine |
hyoscyamin | hyoscyamine |
inh | inhalation |
inj | injection |
inos | inositol |
inosi | inositol |
insuln | insulin |
intraven | intravenous |
intramusc | intramuscular |
iothalam | iothalamate |
iothalamat | iothalamate |
ipec | ipecac |
isosorb | isosorbide |
isomethept | isometheptene |
iv | intravenous |
kao | kaolin |
kcl | potassium chloride |
ketoconaz | ketoconazole |
lan | lanolin |
levod | levodopa |
levonorg | levonorgestrel |
levothyroxin | levothyroxine |
lico3 | lithium carbonate |
licor | licorice |
lido | lidocaine |
lidoc | lidocaine |
lidocai | lidocaine |
lidocain | lidocaine |
liq | liquid |
lot | lotion |
loz | lozenge |
mac | macrocrystal |
mag | magnesium |
magnes | magnesium |
mal | maleate |
mand | mandelate |
mang | manganese |
med | medicated |
medroxypro | medroxyprogesterone |
medroxyprog | medroxyprogesterone |
medroxyprogest | medroxyprogesterone |
meglu | meglumine |
menth | menthol |
meprobam | meprobamate |
mesyl | mesylate |
methen | methenamine |
methsco | methscopolamine |
methscop | methscopolamine |
methscopol | methscopolamine |
methscopolami | methscopolamine |
methscopolamn | methscopolamine |
methylsulfonylmeth | methylsulfonylmethane |
metoprol | metoprolol |
mgoh | magnesium hydroxide |
microgram | MCG |
milligram | MG |
milliliter | ML |
mo | mineral oil |
msm | methylsulfonylmethane |
mth | methenamine |
na | sodium |
nahco3 | sodium bicarbonate |
naphazo | naphazoline |
neb | nebulization |
neomy | neomycin |
nh4cl | ammonium chloride |
nit | nitrate |
nitrofur | nitrofurantoin |
nitrofuran | nitrofurantoin |
nitroglyc | nitroglycerin |
noreth | norethindrone |
norethind | norethindrone |
ns | normal saline |
ntg | nitroglycerin |
octinox | octinoxate |
odt | orally disintegrating |
oin | ointment |
oint | ointment |
ophth | ophthalmic |
osm | osmotic |
oxbn | oxybenzone |
oxyben | oxybenzone |
oxycodon | oxycodone |
paraf | paraffin |
pdo | padimate o |
pe | phenylephrine |
pel | pellet |
perox | peroxide |
petn | pentaerythritol tetranitrate |
phenacet | phenacetin |
phenazopy | phenazopyridine |
phenir | pheniramine |
pheniram | pheniramine |
pheniramin | pheniramine |
phenobarb | phenobarbital |
phenyleph | phenylephrine |
phenylprop | phenylpropanolamine |
phenylpropanol | phenylpropanolamine |
phenylpropanolam | phenylpropanolamine |
phenylpropanolamin | phenylpropanolamine |
phenyltolx | phenyltoloxamine |
phenyltolox | phenyltoloxamine |
phenyltoloxam | phenyltoloxamine |
phenyltoloxamin | phenyltoloxamine |
phos | phosphate |
pilocarp | pilocarpine |
pk | pack |
pnm | pheniramine |
po4 | phosphate |
polis | polistirix |
polistrx | polistirex |
polymy | polymyxin b |
polymyx | polymyxin |
polysacchar | polysaccharides |
pot | potassium |
potass | potassium |
potassi | potassium |
ppa | phenylpropanolamine |
ppd | purify protein derivative |
pram | pramoxine |
pramoxn | pramoxine |
prednis | prednisolone |
prometh | promethazine |
prop | propylene |
proparac | proparacaine |
propoxyp | propoxyphene |
propoxyphen | propoxyphene |
prote | protease |
ps | polysaccharide |
pse | pseudoephedrine |
pseudefed | pseudoephedrine |
pseudoeph | pseudoephedrine |
pseudoephd | pseudoephedrine |
pseudoephe | pseudoephedrine |
pseudoephed | pseudoephedrine |
pseudoephedrin | pseudoephedrine |
ptolox | phenyltoloxamine |
ptu | propylthiouracil |
purp | purpurea |
pwd | powder |
pwdr | powder |
pyr | pyrilamine |
pyrazinamid | pyrazinamide |
pyril | pyrilamine |
pyrila | pyrilamine |
pyrilam | pyrilamine |
pyrilami | pyrilamine |
pyrilamin | pyrilamine |
pyrilamn | pyrilamine |
pyrophos | pyrophosphate |
rapdis | rapid dissolve |
recomb | recombinant |
recon | reconstituted |
rect | rectal |
resor | resorcinol |
reserp | reserpine |
rifampn | rifampin |
rtl | rectal |
sa | sustained action |
sal | salicylate |
salicy | salicylate |
salicylam | salicylamide |
scop | scopolamine |
scopol | scopolamine |
scopolam | scopolamine |
secobarb | secobarbital |
seq | sequential |
shmp | shampoo |
simet | simethicone |
simeth | simethicone |
simth | simethicone |
smz | sulfamethoxazole |
so4 | sulfate |
sol | soluble |
soln | solution |
spironolact | spironolactone |
sprink | sprinkle |
sr | sustained release |
strych | strychnine |
subgal | subgallate |
subl | sublingual |
succ | succinate |
succin | succinate |
sulf | sulfate |
sulfacet | sulfacetamide |
sulfacetm | sulfacetamide |
sulfadi | sulfadiazine |
sulfamer | sulfamerazine |
sulfamerthaz | sulfamerazine |
sulfamethoxazo | sulfamethoxazole |
sulfamethoxazol | sulfamethoxazole |
supp | suppository |
suppos | suppository |
susp | suspension |
sust | sustained |
syr | syringe |
tab | tablet |
tan | tannate |
tann | tannate |
tanns | tannates |
tannts | tannates |
td24 | transdermal 24 hours |
td72 | transdermal 72 hours |
tdsw | transdermal weekly |
tenof | tenofovir |
tereph | terephthalate |
terephtha | terephthalate |
testost | testosterone |
tetrahydroz | tetrahydrozoline |
tetrahydrozol | tetrahydrozoline |
theop | theophylline |
theophyll | theophylline |
tio2 | titanium dioxide |
tmp | trimethoprim |
tobramyc | tobramycin |
top | topical |
trans | transdermal |
transderm | transdermal |
triamcin | triamcinolone |
triclo | triclosan |
trimeth | trimethoprim |
tripelen | tripelennamine |
triprol | triprolidine |
trisil | trisilicate |
trometh | tromethamine |
tspa | thiotepa |
tta | tartaric acid |
undecyl | undecylate |
unt | unit |
ure | urea |
vacc | vaccine |
vag | vaginal |
valsar | valsartan |
vcr | vincristine |
vit | vitamin |
vlb | vinblastine |
vwf | von willebrand factor |
zn | zinc |
zno | zinc oxide |
znox | zinc oxide |
znso4 | zinc sulfate |
Common Cold
Comments Off on Abbreviations and Acronyms
The table below contains the abbreviations and acronyms recognized by the RxNorm normalization with the fully expanded names.