It’s natural to experience anxiety at some point or another. People with anxiety disorders, however, frequently go through periods of intense, persistent, and excessive worry. That’s typically focused on everyday tasks, although it can extend to larger duties.

As such, the reaction can commonly be disproportionate to the cause. These feelings can often reach a peak and cause an anxiety attack. If you’ve found yourself in this position, you know how debilitating it can be. 

There can be multiple reasons why people suffer from anxiety. These can range from separation anxiety disorder and generalized anxiety disorder to specific phobias. If you suffer from any of these, you may want some calming technique recommendations.

These are ways that you can calm yourself and reduce your feelings of anxiety. When used effectively, they should also help to prevent or stop an anxiety attack. That could make them more than recommended to know.

Top Coping Strategies When You’re Having An Anxiety Attack

If you’ve never had an anxiety attack before, then you mightn’t know how to deal with it. Even if you have had one, how overwhelming it can be may prevent you from thinking clearly. As such, you still mightn’t know what to do.

You should take advantage of several calming technique recommendations. The more you use, the more of an impact they should have. The most notable of these are:

  • Closing your eyes and breathing in and out slowly and deeply.
  • Recognizing that the thoughts and feelings are having are part of the attack and that they’ll subside quickly.
  • Performing grounding exercises, such as naming things you can see, touch, hear, smell, and taste in the room.
  • Going for a walk or a run.

You should use as many of these as you can when you feel an anxiety attack starting.

Signs That You’re Having An Anxiety Attack

As helpful as these calming technique recommendations can be, you’ll need to know when you’re having an anxiety attack before you start using them. While some signs and symptoms will be obvious, quite a few mightn’t be.

You’ll need to be on the lookout for:

  • Overwhelming fear.
  • Sense of choking.
  • Palpitations.
  • Chest Pain.
  • Sweating.
  • Trembling.
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Dizziness.
  • Nausea.

Many of these can be quite similar to the symptoms of a panic attack. As such, it could be worth finding out more about those to ensure that you know the differences between them. Should you start seeing any of the above symptoms, it’s worth using the above calming technique recommendations.

Using the above calming technique recommendations will be more than helpful in reducing your feelings of anxiety. Should you use them right, they can have a significant impact on how long an anxiety attack lasts, alongside how strong the feelings will be.

There’s no reason not to use them. It’s also worth practicing self-care and identifying the causes and triggers of your anxiety. With that, you could reduce these long term, which may reduce the number of times you suffer from anxiety attacks.

Keeping each of the above in mind will help you during that journey.

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