Many of us have often gone through challenging situations which ultimately make us stressed. However, in certain instances, this stress serves as the driving force for some. It motivates a person to find solutions and take bold steps. Experts call this type of stress “positive stress.” While at other times, it might take a toll on your physical and mental health. It can make you distant from the people you love and can also hinder your everyday life. It can further make you less focused on your daily tasks. Sometimes you might feel it difficult to remain engaged with the people around them due to severe anxiety.
However, some of the common symptoms of anxiety include panic attacks, insomnia, fear, lack of concentration, unwanted thoughts, etc. Have you ever felt like the walls closing up on you? Or often found yourself asking a thousand “what if’s” in a minute? If your answer is yes, you may be stressed or going through a severe anxiety issue and need help from professionals.
There are a lot of ways you can manage stress and anxiety. Here are few tips to help you calm yourself.
1. Find the problem
The human mind is a powerful organ. It helps cultivating every thought, feeling, memory, action, and experience. Each individual reacts differently in similar situations. For example, a person may laugh in an unfortunate situation. It helps them to cope, whereas others may find it weird. The first step to manage stress is to understand what is causing it. Perhaps, many students learn this during their bachelors in psychology. It can help to understand the root cause of the issue and identify whether the anxiety is the outcome of an underlying problem.
2. Exercise
There is no secret that exercise is good for your health. But did you know it can do wonders for your mental health as well? A good workout stimulates endorphins production, which is a chemical that elevates a positive mood and acts as a natural painkiller. They are also known as happy hormones that help to reduce stress. Studies show that people who exercise frequently manage stress and anxiety efficiently as compared to people who don’t exercise. It reduces the stress hormones in the body; thus, the person experiences less stress. Exercise also helps to improve our sleep patterns, and quality sleep helps us to cope better.
3. Aromatherapy
A relaxing bubble bath with our favorite scented candles is the cure for stressful days. Aromatherapy uses scented products, such as essential oils, scented candles, or body products, to make us feel good and improve our mood. It reduces the cortisol hormones in our body and fills us with contentment.
There are many scents that experts recommend to reduce stress. For example, Lavender is known to reduce anxiety and calm our minds. One can find many studies with the proven effects of the scent. Another widely used scent is lemongrass.
4. Meet your friends and family
Everyone deserves a safe space. It allows the person to express themselves without the feeling of being judged. In stressful situations, friends and family prove to be a person’s biggest support system. Talking to friends helps to relieve stress and find solutions. According to experts, women confide in friends more than men.
5. Take a deep breath
When we feel anxious about something, our breathing patterns change. We either hold our breath for longer times or breath fast. It makes our body muscles tense up and increases stress. The breathing exercises help us to relax.
There are a lot of exercises that a person can do, for example, belly breathing. Our favorite breathing exercise is to lie down with your eyes close. Breathe in from your nose for five seconds, and then breath out for five seconds. This exercise will help make you feel calmer.
6. Cuddle
Cuddle is an efficient stress buster. Cuddling or hugging a loved one releases oxytocin in our body. It reduces the heart rate and helps us to feel relaxed. Fun fact, chimpanzees also cuddle with their friends when stressed.
7. Diet
A healthy diet is essential for the physical and mental health of a person. When a person is stressed, they may eat a lot or eat very little. Both of these practices are unhealthy. Caffeine is known to increase anxiety and stress levels, so if you feel anxious, it may be time to cut back on the caffeine.
Food is an excellent source of antioxidants. The stress in the long term can damage the cells in our body. Antioxidants protect our cells and are naturally present in fruits and vegetables.
The bottom line
Stress is an inevitable part of human life. We may feel stressed because of job, studies, or personal issues. However, it does not mean that we let it ruin our lives. Many easy-to-follow tips can help reduce stress significantly. Good music, exercise, quality time with friends and family can all help to calm you.
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