We want to make breathing games, breathing interaction, and voice interfacing more accessible and for that reason we are calling out 3D designers to submit their design of a microphone clip that can hold a phone microphone (already available on wired earphone/microphone headsets) right in front of users' mouth comfortably and firmly. Without such a holder (clip), the microphone moves freely around your head. Holding microphone in a fixed position enables less variation in loudness which is especially useful when talking quietly.
Source: Gettyimages
Table of Contents
What are use cases for such a design?
Using a mic holder will enable users to speak much quieter than usually- this enables for example recording voice recordings (memos) in loud public spaces, having phone calls while a kid or spouse is sleeping,
- Recording private or confidential voice notes and memos in public or in a non-safe environment,
- Voice controlling computers (ok google/siri/alexa) more quietly,
- ASMR, proximity whispering, and similar acoustic interactions,
- Speech therapy, pronunciation exercises,
- Biofeedback, anxiety management, panic attack management,
- Guided breathing exercises such as breathing games, duh!
What’s wrong with the available microphone headsets today?
Currently available microphone headsets have the microphone in the wrong position - too far from mouth and at the wrong angle. Although suited for capturing loud voices those headsets are not appropriate for quiet voice interfacing or breathing interaction. The best available solution today is our Breathing+ headset by Breathing Labs, but we assume it is possible to design a simpler, easier to carry, and more accessible microphone clip that could be used in many additional use cases, such as those listed above.
What kinds of designs should we propose?
You should propose a 3D design of a plastic clip, which can hold a microphone on a wired headset (like these) in front of the users mouth. You can limit your design to a specific headset, such as "Apple Earbuds" or "Samsung phone headset". A 3D-printer friendly file is required (probably STL) and additionally your design should be submitted in an open format appropriate for further modification (such as C4D, Blender, Sketchup, Maya4D, Rhino3D...).
Can the clip be supported by other wearables such as face masks, sanitary masks, or eyeglasses?
Yes, you can attach your clip to face masks, Covid masks, kitchen sanitary masks, eyeglasses, or other wearables. Unconventional ideas like piercings with Bluetooth microphones or implants with piezo sensors can also be submitted and we will check if those are feasible with available technology like MEMS microphones and low energy Bluetooth hardware. The main obstacle in such cases seems to be the size and weight of the battery. We are happy to elaborate on this matter anytime later.
How is intellectual property handled in this case?
The author will keep all of the moral rights to their invention and will receive credit anywhere their design will be available. Others can modify said design and in such a case, their name will be added after the original author's. Anyone can sell those 3D printed designs personally, or through 3D printing services such as i.materialise.com, shapeways.com, hubs.com, syncfab.com but must list authors where advertising this design. Please consider that the design source will also be publicly available so that customers can also decide not to purchase and instead 3D print the product themselves. The design will be publicly available through CERN-OHL-W-2.0 license, learn more here: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CERN_Open_Hardware_Licence
Will others be able to sell my 3-D print designs?
If they will comply with the licence used, yes. Companies such as Breathing Labs may sell your designs in hardware/software combination or in a hardware as a service business model. Any use must comply with the licence used, hence original authors must be listed, etc. Authors can also issue a take down or force sellers to seize and desist advertising their design if use would be immoral by authors' opinion.
How and when should I submit my design?
Submit your design by sending download links of the 3D model and any promotional material (renderings, graphics, animations) to [email protected] with the email title "CERN OHL microphone clip author submission" before the end of January 2021. We will assume that you will comply with CERN Open Hardware Licence Version 2: ohwr.org/cern_ohl_w_v2.pdf when you make your submission as described in this call for proposals. You should include your full name and possibly any business names that you wish to be listed along with your design.
Latest tweets:
Breathing+ by Breathing Labs has passed peer review in a randomized controlled clinical trial that was recently published in SCI Q2 journal Pediatric Pulmonology. Research done by @bezmialem Full text is available in a link here: https://www.breathinglabs.com/clinical-trials/research-breathing-labs-and-nintendo-clinical-trial-is-published-in-journal-pediatric-pulmonology-sci-q2-impact-factor-3/?fbclid=IwAR2wNhSgurdbrrf3gzOOkHthgiWfXJ1x8RWvnMhkSo6fi33QPZEGzxzd6jM
BREAKING: @breathinglabs and @Nintendo clinical trial is published in journal Pediatric Pulmonology (SCI Q2, Impact Factor > 3), full text: https://breathinglabs.com/Nintendo%20&%20Breathing%20Labs%202022 #telemedicine #telehealth #mhealth
BREATHING VR: Lately we are sourcing this VR headset for use in Breathing VR application. It allows easiest installation of both breathing+ headset cable, and USB charging cables, which is essential in professional use: https://www.banggood.com/VR-SHINECON-G5-VR-Glasses-3D-Virtual-Reality-Glasses-VR-Headset-For-iPhone-XS-11Pro-Mi10-p-1679808.html?rmmds=myorder&cur_warehouse=CN
Update: Each purchase of Breathing+ will now include three machine washable mouthpieces. Previous buyers will be supplied with those by their country representatives but will have to cover shipping costs. Please be patient while we arrange distribution. https://www.breathinglabs.com/latest-news/announcement-breathing-mouthpieces-for-clinical-and-professional-use-are-now-available/
Update: We moved servers + relocated all our games to our servers, please be patient while google reviews all that (showing unsafe website atm). Use duckduckgo or non-chromium browsers to reach our pages in the meantime. Everything ok + new product addons coming out in a month!
Registration and all functionalities at http://breathinglabs.com (and in our iOS and Android games) are fixed and fully working. If you find any issues -> [email protected]
We are back in stock with Breathing+, currently searching for VR supplier, and setting up mass production for toys and tens stimulation + in November we will be signing up new erasmus traineeships, research projects, bilateral, FP(eu), and asia-pacific ->[email protected]
BREAKING: Nintendo Co. Ltd (Japan) is implementing Breathing Games by @breathinglabs in FDA approved clinical trial for children with bronchiectasis: https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04038892
Notice to b2b partners: we are running late with some minor upgrade-> briefly running out of stock -> retail and b2b sale is closed until early october. To get a list of partners with stock to sell contact us at [email protected] Thanks, we'll go strong again in winter đź’Ş
"Keep using the pursed-lip breathing until the breathless feeling goes away. Rest In between breaths if you feel Dizzy. Give sips of room temperature water."
American Lung Association
“Pursed-lip breathing attempts to prolong active expiration through half-opened lips, thus helping to prevent airway collapse. Compared with spontaneous breathing, pursed-lip breathing reduces respiratory rate, dyspnea, and PaCO2, while improving tidal volume and oxygen saturation in resting conditions."
American Thoracic Society
"Pursed lip breathing is one of the simplest ways to control shortness of breath. It provides a quick and easy way to slow your pace of breathing, making each breath more effective."
Cleveland Clinic
“Inhaling through the nose and exhaling through pursed lips makes breathing easier. Pursed-lip breathing can also help you regain control if you’re having trouble catching your breath. You can practice breathing this way anytime, anywhere. If you’re watching TV, practice during the commercials. Try to practice several times a day. Over time, pursed-lip breathing will feel natural.”
University of Minnesota Medical Center
“Pursed lip breathing helps you use less energy to breathe. It can help you relax. When you are short of breath, it helps you slow the pace of your breathing and can help you feel less short of breath."
University of Iowa Children's Hospital